Kabul Girls' School Blast

10:33 - 2021/05/19

ISIS, as confessed by Donald Trump and other American officials, was created by the US. That leaves the US responsible for all crimes perpetrated by this group in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Kabul Blast

For decades, Afghanistan has been the scene of war, violence and terror. The spread of extremism in recent years, which originates from Saudi Arabia and Wahhabi schools in Pakistan, has made life even more difficult, especially for the Shiite minority. The recent attack on a girls’ high school in Shia populated West Kabul, which resulted in tens of innocent children killed and scores of them wounded, is yet another proof of how dangerous the Wahhabi ideology is. The ISIS, whose barbaric and savage crimes are well-known to all, borrows its doctrines from Wahhabism.

Islam is a religion of peace[1], and Prophet Muhammad (sawa) is a mercy to all the universe [2]. These extremist groups have nothing to do with Islam. ISIS, as confessed by Donald Trump and other American officials, was created by the US. That leaves the US responsible for all crimes perpetrated by this group in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

[1] Believers, all of you, enter the peace ... (2:208)
[2] We have not sent you (Prophet Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the worlds. (21:17)

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