The effect of salat on the bandit

11:03 - 2021/12/07

when the scholar went to see the boss, got supprised. the bandit was performing Salat.

the effect of prayer on the bandit


On the way back from Karbala to Iran, some bandits plunder the properties of a Caravan on the vicinity of Kermanshah city including the property of a Islamic scholar, among them a precious book which he has written with lots of struggle. The scholar told one of the bandits that I have a book among what you have stolen which is so important to me. I beg you to give it back to me, because it is not beneficial for you at all. "I am not in charge; we cannot do anything without the permission form our boss." The bandit replied." So where is your boss? Can you send my message to him? The scholar cried. The bandit went away and after a while he came back with an answer. "The boss wants to see you." When the scholar went to see the boss, he found him performing prayer. you are a bandit. Why do you say prayer? The scholar said. "I think you should not destroy all of your bridge to Allah. You should leave one.Now I let your Caravan to get back their property, the bandit said.

After a while, the scholar saw the bandit in the holy shrine of Imam Hussein crying and repenting to God. The bandit said: o sheikh do you know me? I am the bandit who gave back your properties. I kept saying prayer and finally prayer helped me to quit my misdeeds and now I am blessed enough to be in this sacred place.

Source: the book of punishment and awards (in Farsi)


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