اخلاقی و تربیتی

How to treat visitors in Islam

Welcoming visitors in Islam
09:53 - 2022/06/21

-The topic is about how to treat visitors in Islam, where I explained the things a Muslim should do whenever his fellow Muslims visits him at his home from the hadith of the prophet and his successors(A.S).

Cleanliness in Islam ( its Concept and Importance)

Cleanliness in Islam
14:38 - 2022/06/16

-[the article is about cleanliness in Islam, where explained according to qur'an and hadith of the prophet to help the muslims to follow it


Being honest is good in Islam
14:31 - 2022/06/14

-the topic is about humbleness in Islam according the prophet in his activities

Food Diet in Islam: Forbidden and Recommended Food

Food Diet in Islam: Forbidden and Recommended Food
14:24 - 2022/06/14

-The article is about the food diet in Islam, forbidden and recommended in our religion. in this article I tried as much as possible to bring verses and sayings of both Allah almighty and his prophet Muhammad (SW.AW.W). I explained the importance of halal food to your daily life and the effect of haram food.

Eating in Islam

Eating halal in Islam
13:09 - 2022/06/13

This article is about eating since food is more in the life of human beings, thats why i chose this topic because the food we are eating is affecting our faith or not if we dont care.

How to feel the pleasure of worship

How to feel the pleasure of worship?
11:03 - 2021/12/08


The biggest punishment of God

losing the pleasurer of worship, the biggest punishment
10:04 - 2021/12/08

Have you ever wondered what could be the biggest punishment of God? This story that follows contains a bitter fact about human spiritual life.  

The effect of salat on the bandit

the effect of prayer on the bandit
11:03 - 2021/12/07

when the scholar went to see the boss, got supprised. the bandit was performing Salat.

Three Amazing Facts about Salat

a man is praying
10:09 - 2021/12/07

In Islamic culture, Salat plays a key role in daily life style and it affects Muslims in different ways. In this article, we are going to get familiar with three amazing facts about prayer.

The Effects of Prayer on Healthy Sleep Habits

14:06 - 2021/12/06

Muslim prayer is planned by Allah in a way that can help people develop useful sleep habits and these habits are key factors in maintaining mental and physical health. 

Pessimism, a Spiritual and Mental Problem

half empty glass of water, half full glass of water
11:29 - 2021/12/06

Man's everyday life is a combination of pain and gain. Pain and comfort are the inherent elements of this world and our life always fluctuates between them trying to find a balance. Every individual, more or less, shares the same state and there is no way out. Therefore, the relational strategy to face the world is to keep looking at the bright side of the situations and to put away the negative aspects of life. In this article, I am going to report some scientific and Islamic standpoints regarding pessimism.