Ways to Get Rid of Spiritual Apathy

11:59 - 2021/12/12

It does not make any difference, whether you are a sincere christen or a devoted Muslim. People of faith always complain about an inner spiritual apathy or spiritual dryness. The heart becomes like a wild untamable horse. In this situation, what can we do about it?

ways to get rid of  spiritual apathy?

First of all, we should take into consideration that the heart has different spiritual capacities. Amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, said,

Sometimes the hearts move forward and sometimes they move backward. When they move forward get them to perform the optional rituals (as well), but when they move backward keep them confined to what is obligatory. (Nahjul Balaghah, saying no. 312)

Secondly, note that spiritual apathy might be triggered by some inner reasons. At times, a journey is needed to refresh your soul and unearth the roots of apathy. It is a personal mission that one should undertake but I would like to mention some main reasons of spiritual apathy.

1. Negligence toward the importance of worship: Sometimes, we need to ponder over the importance of worship in our life. We are always inspired automatically when we know the importance and benefits of something.

2. Having a preoccupied mind: A great deal of our attention is dedicated to ordinary daily life problems. These problems overwhelm our mind in a way that makes us apethetic toward worship.

Finally, getting to know some solutions might help us gain the lost apathy. Here I try to mentions some of these solutions:

1. Pay attention to prerequisites of Salat. For example, make sure that you say Adhan (call of prayer)  and Iqamah before salat while contemplating on the literal  meaning of Adan phrases.

2. Choose a suitable place for your prayer, away from crowded places. Allocate a special place like a room or part of your home to your worship time and remove every distractor form that place like picture frames or TVs.

3. Dedicate a proper time for praying. Try your best to say your prayer on time.

4. Perform the prayer in a mosque and in congregation as far as you can.

5.Think about the words that you utter during your Salat. Notice that you are standing in front of your Creator.
6. Appear neat and tidy in your salat. It is recommended to wear perfume for Salat.  

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