pieces of information of names of imam Reza's mother

10:50 - 2022/06/11

the names of imam Reza's mother and how it changed during her honer life.

Homaidad (Hamideh), the mother of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), was among the nobles and elders of Ajam (Non-Arab). She bought a maid and called her Tuktam. Tuktam was the best of women in intellect, religion, modesty, and training. One day, Hamideh said to her son Imam Musa (AS) ”My dear son! Tuktam is a maid that I hadn’t seen anyone better than her in wisdom and ethics, and I know that her children will be clean and pure. So I forgive her to you and I ask you to cherish her in a good way”. After some time when Imam Reza ((AS) was born to tuktam, then they called her "Tahereh".

Homaidad (Hamideh), the mother of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), was among the nobles and elders of Ajam (Non-Arab).

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