Quranic factors effective in increasing patience

13:43 - 2022/11/13

-Some of the most important Quranic factors of patience are:

  1. The remembrance of Allah;
  2. Theology & knowledge
  3. The contemplate at Quran
  4. Prayer & Worship
  5. Rosary
  6. Remembering death and doomsday
Quranic factors effective in increasing patience

Patience &It's Quranic factors factors

Patience &It's Quranic factors factors:Some of the factors that lead to the achievement of patience for spiritual and divine knowledge are:

  1. The remembrance of Allah;

One of the main ways to achieve patience is to by remembering God.in this context Quran says;

         The hearts find rest in Allah’s remembrance!”[1]

 Imam Ali (a.s.) has also declared dhikr as one of the effective factors in Sharh al-Sadr:

"Al-dhikr is Sharh al-Sadr"[2].

Dhikr and remembrance of God expands the chest.) It means that it increases the patience of a person(.

  1. Theology & knowledge

   If true knowledge is achieved for a person; That is, divine knowledge took place in his heart and he was freed from satanic temptations; That person reaches a true belief in God Almighty, which causes a strong relationship between him and God Almighty, which is called "God's love,Hob-al -Allah".The Sharh Al-Sadr(patience or tolerance) that is obtained from the knowledge and divine love causes the heart of a person to become a place to closer god and achieve such a brightness that prepares him to go to higher levels and leads him to true love that contains the highest knowledge.

  1. The contemplate at Quran

There are various verses in the Qur'an which say that contemplation and thinking in the verses of the Qur'an makes a person patient:

    Do they not contemplate the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts?”[3]

  1. Prayer & Worship

One of the factors that play an important and fundamental role in the creation of Sharh al-Sadr(patience or tolerance)  is praying and asking God.

As Prophet Moses (pbuh) asked God:

     “Lord! Open my chest [to bear this heavy duty]”[4]

So glorify and sanctify your Lord with praise and thanks and be among those who prostrate.

  1. Rosary

So celebrate the praise of your Lord and be among those who prostrate”[5]

So glorify and sanctify your Lord with praise and thanks and be among those who prostrate.

This verse is used to say that " Rosary " and "Prostration" to God's door will cause the explanation of patience

  1. Remembering death and doomsday

Abazar asked the Prophet (PBUH): How does a person find the definition of  Sharh-Sadr? Hazrat said: When the light enters the human heart, it expands and returns. He asked: What is its sign? He said: The sign of it is paying attention to the Day of Judgment and separating from the house of pride and preparing to welcome death before it arrives.[6]


[1] -The surah 13,verse 28 أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ

[2] -Description of Ghorr al-Hakem: Vol. 1, p. 48   غرر الحکم  ,  جلد۱  ,  صفحه۴۸

[3] - The surah 47, verse 24 أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَا

[4] - The surah 20, verse 25

[5] - The surah15, verse 98

[6] - Sheikh Tusi, Muhammad bin Hassan, Amali, p. 532, Qom. obtained from the Islam quest.

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