What kind of worship was the devil's worship that did not prevent him from disobeying God's order?

10:43 - 2023/05/03

What was the content of Iblis worship before his fall? Wasn't his worship real worship that could not save him?! Did Iblis want to put no one between himself and God by denying the guardianship of the creatures?!

What kind of worship was the devil's worship that did not prevent him from disobeying God's order?

What kind of worship was the devil's worship that did not prevent him from disobeying God's order?

What was the content of Iblis worship before his fall? Wasn't his worship real worship that could not save him?! Did Iblis want to put no one between himself and God by denying the guardianship of the creatures?!

Iblis had worshiped God so much that he was considered among the angels; but worshiping God alone is not enough; rather, one should be completely obedient to God. Iblis was submissive to God to the extent that his arrogance is not harmed, but when he had to submit to Adam (pbuh), he refused to accept God's command and became enmity with the God who had worshiped him for years. Iblis was a devotee; but he was not obedient.

Not only he was not obedient; He even insulted God and identified him as the cause of his misguidance:

He said, ‘My Lord! As you have consigned me to perversity, I will surely glamorize [evil] for them on the earth, and I will surely pervert them all[1

And in order to prove that God's command to be humble in front of Adam (PBUH) was a wrong command, he used all his efforts and strength to prove this claim; and he clearly declared that he will try his best to drag all the people to hell.

The claim that Iblis, by refusing to prostrate to Adam (pbuh), was looking for there to be no intermediary or distance between himself and his God, is also not acceptable. Because with this disobedience, he actually put an irreversible distance between himself and his God.

In fact, God does not lead anyone astray, but if someone chooses the path of deviance by his own will, God will leave him alone, and this abandonment is the greatest punishment and wrath of God.


[1]- Surah Hajr: 39/ قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

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