Shia Doctorine

13:58 - 2015/10/06

What does Shia mean? clarifying its meaning introduce the Shia’s sources.

What does Shia mean?
In many Arabic dictionaries, the term "Shia" is defined in both its literal and its technical meaning, such that it is easy to see the connection between the two, i.e follower(s) in general and follower(s) of Ali.

Shaheestani (d. 548 A) in his Al-Milal wa al-Nihal, an outstanding source concerning different sects in Islam, writes, Shia are those who followed Ali in particular and believed in his Imamate and caliphate according to the explicit teachings and testament of Prophet Muhammad. ( Beirut print 3th inprint, Vol. 1, p.169)

This is a very accurate definition, since the Shia themselves believe that the reason for following Ali is  that it was required by Prophet, and it was not their personal decision to choose whom to follow. By contrast, the non-Shia , after the death of the Prophet Muhammad followed the one who was chosen  at Saqifah and believed that the Prophet had left to the people themselves to decide whom to follow.

to be continued ....


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thanks towards this great illuminating website.

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thanks due to the fact that this great edifying website.

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