The Main Reasons of Antagonism Towards Ashura

15:46 - 2017/09/20

This article is a brief look at the main reasons behind antagonisms toeards Ashura, according to which, since mourning is an arrow targeting Mu'awiyah, his son Yazid and Banu Umayyad, some of the Sunnite scholars and followers of him try their best to prevent people from holding Ashura ceremony.

Why there is so much antagonism towards Ashura?

Throughout the Islamic history many Sunnite scholars have tried their best to prevent people from Holding the Ashura ceremony, mourning practices and even speaking about the event of Ashura. The main reason behind these antagonisms is that mourning is an arrow targeting Mu'awiyah, his son Yazid and Banu Umayyad. Actually, it will lead to rebuking and reprimanding Mu'awiyah as well as his followers including those who pledged allegiance to Mu'awiyah and the scholars who are loyal supporters of Banu Umayyad. That is why some of the Sunnite scholars do everything to prevent Muslims from reminding Ashura and Imam Hussein’s martyrdom. Otherwise no one can even imagine that the killing and massacring of the progeny of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S) could be justified.

Based on the aforementioned facts some of the so called Muslim scholars have taken some unjust and wrongful approaches toward Ashura and Imam Hussein’s Martyrdom. To summarize these different approaches we must find and emphasize the focal point through which they try to exonerate Yazid from being criminal and make some excuse for him in this regard. According to them, Yazid’s ruling was legitimate and even divine; therefore no one should blame him of killing Imam Hussein (A) because Imam was a rebellion who revolted against a legitimate caliph so he deserved to be killed in accordance with the Islamic rules. [1] Therefore the main reason through which they try to exonerate Yazid is the legitimacy of his governance and ruling.

There are some scholars who justifies Yazid’s role in Karbala saying that he was a legitimate caliph and whoever revolted against such a caliph he would deserve to be killed. For instance, Ibn Arabi Maliki is of the view that "Hussein was not killed but by the sword of his grandfather.” [2] According to him since the Holy Prophet (S) orders us to kill the rebellions we must obey his commandments and Yazid did his duty. Ibn Hajar Makki says about Ibn Arabi’s saying: “How amazing to come across statements that make the skin shiver.” [3]

Whereas these so called Muslim scholars make such an unacceptable justification with respect to Yazid’s role in the Event of Ashura, Mu'awiyah (Yazid’s son) in a public speech after Yazid’s death says "Verily, my grandfather unlawfully and unjustly took caliphate from Ali bin Abi Talib (A) … Thereupon, my father took over power and and he was not eligible for the caliphate as well ... (My father), Yazid murdered the progeny of the Messenger of Allah; he drank wine and destroyed the Ka'bah "[4]

Finally, the speech that Imam Hussein (A), the Chief of Martyrs, made in Karbala introducing his Enemies could make it clear that why illegitimate caliph (Yazid) and his followers killed Imam and the progeny of the Messenger of Allah (J). On the day of Ashura, Imam Hussein (A), described the enemies of the Ahlul-Bayt (A) as such: "Verily, you are amongst the disobedient, those who have turned their back to the Quran, the friends of Satan, sinners, murderers… you are the children of this war and followers (of Mu'awiyah) and your purpose is to kill us." [5] The Imam then asked them about their purpose of killing him and they answered: We are killing you because we are the enemies of your father. [6]

It is clear that why they were the enemies of Imam Ali (A) because Ali had fought against pagans and enemies of Allah (J) obeying the commandments of Him (J), the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (S). Now how such a caliph and his followers could be legitimate to kill son of Lady Zahra the Daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S) saying that we are killing you due to your father’s role in Islam and his fighting against pagans and disbelievers!
[1] Look at Tarikh Ibn Khaldun (History of Ibn Khaldun), v1, p. 212.
[2] See: Al-‘Awasim min al-Qawsim, 214. Note that he is someone other than Mohyiddin Ibn Arabi.
[3] Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husseini Milani, A Selection of the Untold Facts regarding Ashura, translated by Jawid Akbari, p. 9.
[4] See: Al-Sawa'eq al-Muhriqa, vol2, p. 641-642.
[5] Tarjomat (Biography) of Imam Hussein (A.S) by Ibn Asaker, 318; History of the City of Damascus, 14/218.
[6] Noor al-Ayn fi Mashhad al-Hussein (A.S), 47.

The main reason behind preventing people from holding the Ashura ceremony is that mourning is an arrow targeting Mu'awiyah, his son Yazid, Banu Umayyad and their followers. Otherwise it is impossible that the killing and massacring of the progeny of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S) could be justified. The focal point through which the opponents try to exonerate Yazid from being criminal in this regard is that Yazid’s ruling was legitimate. Therefore, no one should blame him of killing Imam Hussein (A); because Imam was a rebellion who revolted against a legitimate caliph so he deserved to be killed. But Yazid’s son in a public speech after Yazid’s death says "Verily, my grandfather unlawfully and unjustly took caliphate from Ali bin Abi Talib (A) … my father was not eligible for the caliphate as well ... " Furthermore, on the day of A'shura Yazid's army told Imam (A) that they kill him because they are the enemies of his father, Imam Ali (A) who had fought against pagans and enemies of Allah (J) obeying the commandments of Him (J), the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (S). Now how such a caliph and his followers could be legitimate saying that we are killing you due to your father’s role in Islam and his fighting against pagans and disbelievers!

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