Abu’l-Fadhl al-Abbas: A Whole World of Virtues and Merits

15:04 - 2017/09/21


Merits and Virtues of Abul Fazl al Abbas

Abu’l-Fadhl al-Abbas, whose sufficient honor is to be the son of Ali (A) the model of human perfection, is characterized by his ever most courage among all Arabs. On the day of Ashura, during the battle of Karbala, he gave the highest example of heroism and courage, in a way that he filled the battle field with the dead bodies of Yazid’s army. They used many deceptive ways to convince him to leave Imam Hussein (A), even they promised Abbas that they would give him the general commandment of their army, but Abbas put them down giving the best example of loyalty to his Imam (A) over the history. [1] Because, he was the most faithful companion of the Holy Imam (A) in Karbala, and he was brought up in the house of faith which was the center of true faith and Gad’s obedience.

One of the main characteristics of Abbas is his loyalty to the religion, the nation, the homeland and his brother.  Since loyalty is the noblest characteristic one can have, about Abbas it must be said that he, actually, set a record in this field. He dedicated himself to fighting against Yazid for defending Islam that, for the sake of which his hands were cut by the enemies of Allah (J) and he was martyred for the sake of Allah (J). His loyalty to Imam Hussein (A) is the best example of being faithful and loyal to the Imam of his time, as yet, there is no item of loyalty more exalted than that of Abbas. He did know the Imam of his time following and helping him in such a serious and difficult situation that, according to the Holy Prophet, whoever who doesn’t know the Imam of his time he will die the death of ignorance.

Another important characteristic of Abbas is his mercy and kindness towards the household and children of his brother.  He was so much kind and merciful towards them that when he saw their pale-faced and dry-lipped on the day of Ashura, he pushed himself towards the river and took the enemies away from the river reaching the water. But, as he was about to have a drink, he remembered the thirst of his brother and the children; therefore, he refused to drink and tried to bring them water. When he tried his best to take the water to the children, he was martyred by the enemies of Islam. [2] May Allah (J) bless him! And peace be upon him.

If we look at Abbas’s personality from the Imams' sight, we would find descriptions of him with finest words of praise. Imam Ali (A) foretold about the personality of Abbas and future of him when he was one-day old. [3] Imam Hussein (A) in many situations on the day of Ashura said to him: “Ride on, May I be your sacrifice” Imam Zain ul-Abidin (A) said: “Allah may have mercy upon my uncle, al-Abbas. He preferred his brother to himself, did well, and sacrificed himself for his brother until he lost his two hands for the sake of such.” [4] Imam Sadiq (A) said about Abbas that “My uncle al-Abbas was clear-sighted and steadfastly faithful. He fought with his brother al-Hussein, did very well, and was martyred.” [5]

In conclusion, it could be said that Abbas is one of the best examples of heroism, sacrifice, courage, loyalty etc. and the whole world of merits and virtues that not only the Muslims, but also all human beings are proud of him and follow him as a hero of the humanity in the world throughout the history.

[1] An Investigation of the personality of Al-Abbas, compiled by Badr Shahin, p. 59.
[2] See: Sayyed Ibn Tawus, “Al-Lohuf ala Qatla al-Tofuf”.
[3] An Investigation of the personality of Al-Abbas, compiled by Badr Shahin, p. 64.
[4] See al-Khissal; v1, p. 35.
[5] See Thakheerat ud-Darein, 123 (as quoted from Umdet ut-Talib).

Abu’l-Fadhl al-Abbas is characterized by his ever most courage among all Arabs. He gave the highest example of heroism and courage dedicating himself to fighting against Yazid for defending Islam that, for the sake of which his hands were cut by the enemies of Allah (J) and he was martyred for the sake of Allah (J). If we look at Abbas’s personality from the Imams' sight, we see that Imam Hussein (A) in many situations on the day of Ashura said to him: “Ride on, May I be your sacrifice” Imam Zain ul-Abidin (A) said: “Allah may have mercy upon my uncle, al-Abbas. In fact, Abbas is one of the best examples of heroism, sacrifice, courage, loyalty etc. and the whole world of merits and virtues. In conclusion, it could be said that Abbas is one of the best examples of heroism, sacrifice, courage, loyalty etc. and the whole world of merits and virtues that not only the Muslims, but also all human beings are proud of him and follow him as a hero of the humanity in the world throughout the history.

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