Book Introduction: Lohoof (Sighs of Sorrow)

11:13 - 2015/10/29

This book writen by Sayyid Razi - Uddin Ali bin Musa, knows as Ibn Tawus (589-664 A.H., equal to 1150- 1225 A.D.) is one of the greatest Shia scholars. He wrote more than 50 books in many fields of Islamic studies, such as commentary of Quran, history, hadith, prays, astronomy, ethics, bibliology, biography, Shia thoughts. this book is a great and olden reference about event of karbala and ashora calamity.

Lohoof (Sighs of sorrow)

Have you ever heard anything about the story of Karbala?
Have you ever read any book about martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as)?

This book has written by Sayyid Razi - Uddin Ali bin Musa, known as  Ibn Tawus (589-664 A.H., equal to 1150- 1225 A.D.) He is one of the greatest Shia scholars. He wrote more than 50 books in many fields of Islamic studies, such as commentary of Quran, history, hadith,Ad'iyah, astronomy, ethics, bibliology, biography, Shia thoughts. this book is a great and olden reference about event of karbala and ashora calamity.

First section of this book is about "Events Preceding the Battle"
Second section is about "The Battle and Its Related Events"
Third section is about "Events After the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as)"
Fourth section is about "Signs and Incidents that Became Appeared after the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as)."

At this time, knowledge about the life and history of Imam Hussain (a.s.), just like other infallible Imams (a.s.) is necessary for every shia like an open book of guidance that should studied and be considered. It is obvious that when we are going to introduce our noble Imams (that the holy Prophet called them as the "Lights of Guidance", and the "Ships of Rescue"), if we refer to uncredited and unknown references, we won't get a fair result from our efforts.

So if you want to study about the story of Karbala and the event of Ashura, we introduce this book to read.

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