Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) the eleventh infallible imam

11:18 - 2015/12/19

It is a brief introduction to the personality of the eleventh infallible Shiite Imam Hasan al-Askari (A) according to the historians and narrators and also a brief look at some of his narrations quoted by Muslim scholars.

Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) the eleventh infallible imam

Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad (846 – 874), also called as al-Askari (A) was the eleventh Shia Imam after his father imam Ali al-Hadi (A). His wife was Narjis Khatun, the daughter of the Byzantine emperor, who following instructions given her in a dream, had sold herself into slavery to become his wife. Al-Askari was kept in prison most of his life until, according to some Shia sources, he was poisoned at the age of 28 at the instigation of the Abbasid caliph Al-Mu'tamid and was buried in Samarra. [1]

During the seven years of his Imamate, imam al-Askari (A) lived in dissimulation (taqiyah) without any social contact, for the Abbasid Caliphs were afraid of Shia who had reached a considerable population at the time. Further, the Caliphs came to know that the leaders among the Shia believed that the eleventh Imam, according to numerous traditions cited by him and his forefathers, would have a son who was the promised Mahdi. So the caliphs of the time had decided definitely to put an end to the Imamate in Shiism once and for all. [2]

IN spite of being under house arrest the Imam (A) continued to speak out against those who questioned the Qur'an, the account of which could be found in a Tafsir ascribed to him. When Imam Askari (A) heard that al-Kindi, the well-known Muslim philosopher, wrote a book entitled "The Contradiction of the Quran" Imam (A) instructed one of the kindi's disciples to ask al-Kindi that 'If someone recites the Quran, is it possible that he means other meanings than what you think you understand? He shall say that it is possible because he is a man who understands when he listens. If he says that, you say to him, how do you know? He might mean other than the meanings that you think, and so he fabricates other than it's (the Qur'an) meanings…" [3]

The disciple did as Imam al-Askari (A) advised him; and Al-Kindi was shrewd enough to say, " one like you can get to this. Would you tell me where you have got this from?" And when he heard the true story said "Now you say the truth. Like this would not come out except from that house (the Ahlul Bayt)…" It is said that al-Kindi burnt his book afterwards. [4]

It could be the best to end this article with some meaningful narrations of the holy Imam Askari (A) who says: "If anyone of you is pious in his religion, truthful in his speech, he gives deposit back to its owner, and treats people kindly, it shall be said about him: ―this is a Shiite." " Worship is not the abundant fasting and praying, but worship is the abundant pondering; it is the continuous thinking of God." "Anger is the key of every evil." "A spiteful one is the least comfortable." "There are two qualities that no quality is over them; the faith in God and the serving of brothers."" Humbleness is a blessing that is not envied." [5]

Conclusively, it could be mentioned that despite being in a very critical situation, imam Askari (A) did accomplish his divine mission guiding his followers into the right path through different ways and means. As it was mentioned he was such a knowledgeable and scholarly man that Kindi one of the great Muslim philosophers confessed the imam's sagacity and wisdom. Also from the sayings quoted from this infallible Imam (A) it is easily understood that how wise and knowledgeable he was as the holy prophet Mohammad (P)'s progeny and successor.       

[1] Tabataba'i, Muhammad Husayn (1981), A Shi'ite Anthology, Translated with Explanatory Notes by William Chittick; State University of New York Press. P, 139; also see: Tabataba'i, Muhammad Husayn (1979), Shi'ite Islam, State University of New York Press. p, 184–185 and 69.
[2] ibid.
[3] Shareef al-Qurashi 2005, pp. 162–163.
[4] ibid.
[5] لَيسَتِ العِبادَةُ كَثرَةَ الصّيامِ وَالصَّلوةِ وإنَّمَا العِبادَةُ كَثرَةُ التَّفَكُّرِ في أمرِ اللهّ
أَلْغَضَبُ مِفْتاحُ كُلِّ شَرٍّ.
أَلتَّواضُعُ نِعْمَةٌ لا يُحْسَدُ عَلَيْها
أَقَلُّ النّاسِ راحَةً أَلْحُقُودُ
خَصْلَتانِ لَيْسَ فَوْقَهُما شَىْءٌ: أَلاْيمانُ بِاللّهِ وَ نَفْعُ الاْخْوانِ
Shareef al-Qurashi 2005, pp. 68–75. Also see: "Library of Shia Ahadith".

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