Hijab combats negative body image

09:22 - 2016/01/25
Hijab combats negative body image

By Sunna (Canada)

I am a Pagan woman, and I do not usually cover my hair, although I have within the context of ceremony, at those times it has made me feel closer to my ancestors and the women who have walked the path before me. I participated in world hijab day as an ally to my muslim sisters around the world, and it was a profound experience for me! I found that I stopped worrying about “checking” my hair and how I looked, I felt more secure and able to just interact without worrying about how did I look. I never realized just how much energy I wasted checking myself in the mirror, or fussing with my hair. I think wearing hijab is a wonderful way to combat negative body image/beauty culture that we internalize as women.
Blessed be.


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