Martyr Motahari and his works from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (RA)

17:36 - 2016/04/30

Ayatollah Martyr Motahari, was a great contemporary philosophical, juridical, politician, and scientific personality as well as he was a great lecture. Also he was one of the outstanding figures of the Islamic World. He left many scientific works. Imam Khomeini (RA) said about martyr Motahhari's works: his works are useful for everyone without exception. According to this, Motahhari was one of the most literate scholars trusted by Imam Khomeini.[1]This article trays to introduces Ayatollah Martyr Motahhari and his works very firefly.


Brief introduction of Martyr Motahari, life and his works
A) Biology Of Martyr Morteza Motahhari
Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari was born in 31 January 1919. Then he attended the Hawza of Qom from 1944 to 1952 and then left for Tehran.[2] He joined the University of Tehran, where he taught philosophy for 22 years. Between 1965 and 1973 he also gave regular lectures at the Hosseiniye Ershad in Northern Tehran.[3]
During Revolution, while Shapour Bakhtiyar prevented Imam Khomeini's return to Iran in 1978, Ayatollah Motahhari was the leader to manage the clergies protesters in Tehran universities’ Mosque. Motahhari was one of the important person and helped Ayatollah Imam Khomeini(RA) to organize revolutionary department. So because of these activities, he was hated by anti-revolutionaries group such as Furqan group.[4] Therefore he was assassinated by the Furqan group on 2 May 1979.[5]
B) Motahhari Martyr's works
Martyr Motahhari wrote several books on Islam, Iran, and historical topics. Of course his emphasis was on teaching rather than writing. However, after his matyrdom, some of his students worked on writing these lectures and manage them in order to publish them as books. As of the mid-2008, the "Sadra Publishings" published more than sixty books of Motahari. He was one of the most literate scholars considered  and trusted by Imam Khomeini(RA).In the other word he was the ritht hand of Imam Khomeini(RA). Motahari always considered himself a pupil of the great Imam Khomeini(RA) and undertook serious efforts to spread genuine objectives of the Islamic Revolution and stood by the Islamic movement through all stages.[6] Imam Khomeini said on the occasion of martyrdom Motahhari and his works in historic message: "I have lost a very dear son  who was part of my soul. I am proud of such devoted person in Islam. The terrorists can  assassinate the bodies of peoples; but they cannot assassinate the personalities of this brave muslim people."[7] Also Imam said: "Martyr Morteza Motahhari was a great scholar that he through his works, speeches and books, played a pivotal role in spreading the Islamic teachings and awakening the political and social conscience of the Iranian people." As well as Imam said: All Motahhari's works, are good without exception. I have not known anyone else that I can say: their works are good Without exception; but his works are good Without exception.[8]

[2] Kasra, Nilofar. "Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari". IICHS. Retrieved 27 July 2013.
[5] "Martyrdom Anniversary of 'Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari' / Pics". AhlulBayt News Agency(ABNA). 2015-05-03. Retrieved 28 May 2015.
[7] historical Message of Imam Khomeini About martyr Ayatollah Motahhari

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