Policy or belief?

12:49 - 2016/07/02

So we support them by giving money, weapons, medicines, by holding huge demonstrations all over the cities, in spite  all mistakes they might make. As we know Wilayat al-Faqih is the continuation of Wilayat Rasul Allah, and our Prophet was a father for the Ummah. The leader of Islamic world as spiritual father for Ummah should support his children regardless of all mistakes they’ve had.


One event and two analyses.
Why do we help Palestinians and support them?

Some people believe that we are supporting them just because of ourselves. Because if we don’t help Palestine, Zionists will take over the lands and make people leave their country and start attacking other Islamic countries, and then it would be Iran’s turn to be under attack. So we are protecting our peace and safety not anyone else.The reason for this point of view could be the difference in faith. Iranian government is Shia and Palestinian one is Sunni.

On the other hand some people believe that we help them and rescue them from the oppressors because both nations believe in the same religion. it’s one of the significant duties to help whoever is under oppression. Our Prophet (s) said:“If one doesn’t care about Muslim’s problems, he is not considered as a Muslim.”[1] Also He said: “whoever hears someone asking for help and does not support him, he is not considered as a Muslim.”[2]

The point is that the Prophet didn’t say “believer asking” or “Muslim asking” but rather he said “someone asking”, it means whenever, wherever and whoever asks Muslims for help, it would be a must for Muslims to help; no matter he is a Shia Muslim or Sunni or even a non-Muslim

There is another hadith from Imam Ali (a): I’ve heard that one of the enemies has entered a woman’s house by force and has taken off her earrings and nobody has supported her; if one dies do to this disaster; I don’t blame him, but rather I admire him.[3]

So we support them by giving money, weapons, medicines, by holding huge demonstrations all over the cities, in spite  all mistakes they might make. As we know Wilayat al-Faqih is the continuation of Wilayat Rasul Allah, and our Prophet was a father for the Ummah. The leader of Islamic world as spiritual father for Ummah should support his children regardless of all mistakes they’ve had.

Like Imam Husain’s (a) reaction, when facing a person insulting him. He just asked him kindly:
Do you need any clothes?
Are there any houses you can rest there?
Could you come to my house as a guest?[4]

And my last sentence is one of the leader’s words:
“Bringing up the Palestine issue is not a tactical movement for Iran, it’s a basic movement rooted in Islamic beliefs."[5]


[1] Al-Kafi, v.2, p.163: “من اصبح لایهتم بأمور المسلمین فلیس بمنهم”
[2] Al-Kafi, v.2, p.164: “من سمع رجلا ینادی یا للمسلمین فلم یجبه فلیس بمسلم”
[3] Nahj al- balaghah, khutbah 27
[4] Nafasat al- masdur, muhddith qomi, p. 4
[5] http://farsi.khamenei.ir/speech-content?id=8952

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