Method of anthropology from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei (section one)

20:57 - 2016/11/03

There are some methods for research in the anthropology such

Methods of anthropology
How is the human recognized? There are some methods for recognition of human being. Based on each of these methods, there is a special human science. According to some of the scholars like Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume, John Stuart Mill, Ernst Bach and Bertrand Russell the human is recognized by empirical methods, which is different from the other methods. It is a material humanity, because of recognizing the human with empirical and sensory methods. Generally, there are four methods for recognizing of human being.
1) Empirical method. According to this method, the different dimensions of human being could be introduced by sensory and experimental methods. Based on this method, there are the material humanities. Therefore, the western humanity that based on this method is material. Of course, it is impossible to base immaterial humanities on material principles. Ayatollah Khamenei is of the view that "Many of the fields of human sciences are based on materialistic philosophies and many fields are based on considering men as animals."[1]
2) Gnostic method. Based on this method the human being is recognized by themselves directly. In other word, the human founds the existence, himself, completely without any intermediary. For example, the human knows the breath, soul and all of his feelings without any intermediary. The main tool for this method is purification of breath and movement in the backend. Ayatollah Khamenei regarding this method, said that in the Holy Quran "After mentioning purification in the ayah, the Holy Quran, continues, "... and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom." This is a lofty goal: purifying human beings, cleansing hearts, improving commitment of humanity to ethics and saving human beings from moral problems, ethical weaknesses and human passions. This is a goal. [2]
3) Rational method. In this method human is understood as whole all the times, past, present and future by wisdom; because the wisdom discusses the facts, regardless of the times. In this method, the only tool for recognizing of human is rational by which understands the general concepts. [3]
4) Revealed or religious method. In this type of method, the all dimensions of human, in addition to other methods, are recognized by referring to the various religious references such as tradition and wholly Qur'an. This method explains that the truth of man is like the book that requires a description that its exponent is not except the author who is the Lord, the Creator. The Allah explains the truth of human by the prophets, saints and angels and describes what is the truth of man? What are the dimensions of human? Where the human comes from? Where to go? In what way they must go? Haw they should go? The Allah familiarizes the human to himself, the Creator, past, present and future.[4]
Among four methods for recognition of the human being, which one is good and acceptable? In fact, the fourth method is better and more complete for human recognition than others (experimental, intellectual and intuitive methods); because of the advantages of the fourth one and disadvantages of the others.
[1] Leader’s Address to University Professors, Aug 30, 2009. (
[2] Leader’s Speech to Government Officials and Ambassadors of Islamic Countries, Jun 18, 2012, (
[3] Abdul Hossein Khosropanah and Reza Mirzaee (2011)"The quiddity of anthropology", The quiddity of anthropology,  N. 24, PP. 35-63.
[4] Abdul Hossein Khosropanah and Reza Mirzaee (2011)"The quiddity of anthropology", The quiddity of anthropology,  N. 24, PP. 35-63.

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