Biography of Imam Hassan (A.S)

14:49 - 2016/11/13

The Holy Imam Hassan (AS) was the eldest child of Imam Ali (AS) and lady Fatima Zahra (AS). He was born in Madina 15th Ramadan.

Biography of Imam Hassan (A.S)

The Holy Imam Hassan (AS) was the eldest child of Imam Ali (AS) and lady Fatima Zahra (AS). When the Holy Prophet (PBH) received the happy news of the birth of his grandson, he came at once to his beloved daughter's house. He took the newly born baby in his arms and recited the Adhaan in its right ear and the Iqamah in its left ear. Then, in accordance with the command of Allah, he named the child Hasan.
The Holy Imam (AS) spent the first seven years of his life under the care and guidance of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet (PBH). This early training made the Holy Imam (AS) outstanding in his knowledge, piety, tolerance, intelligence and courage.
The Holy Imam (AS) and his brother Imam Husain (AS) were very dear to the Holy Prophet (AS). He used to carry them on his shoulders and once told the people,

"Hasan and Husain are the leaders of the youth of Paradise."[1]

And he said:

"Hassan is from me and I am from him. Allah loves the one who loves him. Hassan and Husain are the two most special grandchildren. "[2]

1. « حَسَنٌ وَ حُسَيْنٌ سَيِّدَا شَبَابِ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ» Bihar Alanvar, vol 43, Page 304.
2. « حسنٌ مِنّي وأنا مِنهُ ، أحَبَّ اللَّهُ مَنْ أحبَّهُ ، الحسنُ والحسينُ سِبْطانِ مِن الأسْباط » Altrmzy vol. 5, p. 658

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