If Lady Zainab (as) Were Not Present in Karbala ...

12:40 - 2021/08/26

Noting that the enemy was so cruel that they had killed even Imam Hussain’s infant child, had Lady Zainab not saved Imam Sajjad’s life, the enemy would not have hesitated to kill him, but Lady Zainab (as) bravely safeguarded the life of the Imam and as a result, secured continuation of the lineage of imamate.

If Lady Zainab (as) Were Not Present in Karbala ...

The word ‘Zainab’ is a combination of ‘zain’ (ornament) and ‘ab’ (father); therefore, zainab means ornament of father. According to history, this name was chosen by God for Lady Zainab (as).

Have we ever contemplated that if Zainab (as), this perfect Example of a Muslim woman, were not present in Karbala, what would have happened to the great sacrifice Imam Hussain (as) had made in Karbala? The enemy would have made sure to leave no trace of this great event.

Were it not for Zainab (as), the chain of imamate could have been severed by the meanest and cruelest people of the time and the mission of the Imams (as) in explaining and expounding on the Islamic faith would not have become completed.

When Zainab (as) heard Ibn Ziad ordered Imam Sajjad (as) to be killed, she quickly came to the survive of her beloved nephew and prevented Ibn Ziad from killing the Imam (as). Undoubtedly, Lady Zainab (as) played a great role in saving the life of Imam Sajjad (as). She saved the Imam’s life on the Day of Ashura as well. It was when Shimr, after Imam Hussain (as) had been martyred, wanted to kill Imam Sajjad (as). Lady Zainab stood in the middle and said you will not kill him unless you kill me first.

Noting that the enemy was so cruel that they had killed even Imam Hussain’s infant child, had Lady Zainab not saved Imam Sajjad’s life, the enemy would not have hesitated to kill the Imam (as), but Lady Zainab (as) bravely safeguarded the life of the Imam (as) and as a result, secured continuation of the lineage of imamate. 

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