
The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle

The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle
14:01 - 2021/12/08

-Lady zeinab is well-known for her resistance and fight aginat Yazid the opprossor of her time. breflily, we are going to review her life style regarding Salat. 

Lady Zainab (as), the Heroine of Karbala - Father Christopher Clohessy

Lady Zainab (as), the Heroine of Karbala - Father Christopher Clohessy
11:51 - 2021/08/29
The Role of Zainab (s) - Father Christopher Clohessy

The Role of Zainab (s) - Father Christopher Clohessy
11:45 - 2021/08/29
If Lady Zainab (as) Were Not Present in Karbala ...

If Lady Zainab (as) Were Not Present in Karbala ...
12:40 - 2021/08/26

Noting that the enemy was so cruel that they had killed even Imam Hussain’s infant child, had Lady Zainab not saved Imam Sajjad’s life, the enemy would not have hesitated to kill him, but Lady Zainab (as) bravely safeguarded the life of the Imam and as a result, secured continuation of the lineage of imamate.

The Everlasting Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as)

The Everlasting Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as)
11:18 - 2021/08/24

Lady Zainab (as) to Imam Sajjad (as),

The heads of paganism and followers of deviation will make attempts to destroy this grave, but their attempts will make it even more prominent and more popular.

Lady Zainab (as), Embodiment of Patience and the Heroine of Karbala

Lady Zainab (as), Embodiment of Patience and the Heroine of Karbala
15:48 - 2021/08/22

Were it not for the unique role of Lady Zainab (as), the Umayyad would have labeled the incident of Karbala as a political rebellion which had to be suppressed to ensure calm of the society and today there would have been no trace of Imam Hussain (as) and his great sacrifice nor that of the religion of Islam.

Children of the Prophet (pbuh) Held in Captivity

Children of the Prophet (pbuh) Held in Captivity
12:23 - 2021/08/22

The stirring speeches made by Lady Zainab (sa), Imam Sajjad (as), and the daughter of Imam Hussain (as) in Kufa and Damascus notwithstanding their tragic circumstances are everlasting examples of bravery, heroism, and steadfastness in the way of God.