Last Days of Lady Fatima (as)

10:19 - 2021/12/19

The women of Ansar and Muhajerin came to visit Lady fatima (as) on her death bed. Lady fatima (as) deliverd a thought-proviking speech. they went and informed their husbands. Then, men came to visit Lady Fatima (as). Again, she delivered a speech that deeply affected them. The Caliph felt unsecured and rushed to visit her.

Last days of Lady Fatima (as)

It is very heartbreaking when the last moments of life of a beloved member of family arive. The worst thing to do, at such a time, is to mourn and disturb the calmness of the one who is about to leave his beloved ones behind and begin a long journey. Lady Fatima (as) was so calm and peacful when the women of Muhajereen and Ansar came to visit her. The women of the Muhajireen and Ansar gathered around her and said,

How are you doing, daughter of Allah's Messenger (as)?

Fatima al-Zahra (as) praised Allah (swt), prayed for her father, and said,

I feel, by Allah, resentment for your world; I despise your men; I have casted them after testing them, and I hate them after having examined them. Thus, shameful is the defiling of honor, playing after being serious, striking the soft rocks, the slackening of spears; the foolishness of judgments and the misguidance of wants".
I wish I knew what proof they have for that which they have done? On what foundation have they stood? On what reliable grip have they held? Upon whose progeny have they encroached and spoke against? Evil, indeed, is the patron and evil the companion!

The women went out and let their men know what Lady Fatima told them in their meeting. The men came to visit Lady Fatima and said,

O you the master of all women! Had Abu Al-Hassan (as) mentioned this to us before we gave the promise (to Abu Bakr), then surely we would not have exchanged him (Imam ‘Ali (as)) for anyone else!!!

Lady Fatima (sa), said:

Leave me alone! Surely there is not an excuse for you after (I have already) spoken to you; and there shall be no command after (I have seen) your shortcomings.

After Lady Fatima's touching speeches to men and women from Ansar and Muhajerin, the first and second caliph found their position in danger and rushed to Lady Fatima's house to make a superficial apology and restore their publicity because the effects of Prophet's Hadiths on the status of Lady Fatima still remained in society. 
As Lady Fatima did not allow them in her house, they resort to Imam Ali. Imam Ali informed Lady Fatima and Lady Fatima said: this is your house and you can let anyone in, but I do not speak to them until I meet my father and complain about what they have done to me after his departure.  

Source: Https://

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