#Fatima Zahra

Lady Fatima's Status According to Surah al-Kawthar

Lady Fatima's Position in Surah al Kawthar
11:22 - 2021/12/25

One of the stereotypes of the age of ignorance was the great deal of importance that they merely gave to male children. They thought that only sons could keep their name and dignity for generations. Based on this culture, they sneered at the Prophet for not having male children. The holy Quran disappointed the pagans.

Lady Fatima's Status According to the Verse of Mubahala

Lady Fatima's Status in the Verse of Mubahila
12:29 - 2021/12/23

Mubahala means to ask for divine curse. It occurs when two sides of an argument invoke the wrath of God on each other when a religious debate are locked in stalemate. They implore God to disgrace the one who lies. In this article, I review the story of bishop of Najran who came for Mubahala with the Prophet (pbuh&hf) and his household.

Last Days of Lady Fatima (as)

Last days of Lady Fatima (as)
10:19 - 2021/12/19

The women of Ansar and Muhajerin came to visit Lady fatima (as) on her death bed. Lady fatima (as) deliverd a thought-proviking speech. they went and informed their husbands. Then, men came to visit Lady Fatima (as). Again, she delivered a speech that deeply affected them. The Caliph felt unsecured and rushed to visit her.

Burial Place of Lady Fatima (as)

 Burial place of Lady Fatima
08:52 - 2021/12/15

Lady Zahra (as) herself made a will demanding her grave to remain hidden in order to show her disapproval and objection to those who usurped caliphate after her father.  

Six Hadiths That Every Muslim Should Know About Lady Fatima (as)

Six Hadith that Every Sunni Should Know about Fatima
09:11 - 2021/12/13

There are many reports about the status of Lady Fatima in Shia and Sunni books. I picked up six hadiths from authentic Sunni books. These hadiths are essential for every Muslim.

Praying for Others

13:12 - 2021/10/12

Imam Hassan (as) was listening to her mother praying at night. All night, the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh&hf), prayed for other Muslims not for herself.