Fasting on the first day of Muharram

08:26 - 2022/07/30

Fasting on 1th day of the month of Muharram and praying for a pure generation, the instructions of Imam Reza (AS) for the couples who do not have a child.

Fasting on the 1th day of Muharram

Fasting on the first day of Muharram

Fasting on the first day of Muharram and praying for a pure generation, the instructions of Imam Reza (AS) to anyone who asks for children and a pure generation. This instruction is especially for couples who do not have a child. As we know, There are so many recommended fasting during a lunar year and one of them is fasting on the first day of Muharram.

Fasting in the 1th day of month of Muharram

Rayyan Ibn Shabib narrates: On the first day of Muharram, I went to the presence of Imam Reza (AS). Imam said: O son of Shabib! are you fasting today? I said: No.

Imam said: This day is the same day that prophet Zakaria called his Lord: O lord! grant me a clean and pure descendant because you hear all prayers. God answered his prayer and ordered the angels to visit Zakaria while he was worshiping at the temple. God gives you the good news of a child named Yahya.

Whoever fasts today, after finishing the fast, asks God for a pure and good child.

It is narrated by Imam Baqir (AS)[1] and also by Imam Reza (AS)[2] that: "Whoever does not have children should fast and pray on the first day of Muharram with the intention of seeking progeny from God, that God will grant him a pure offspring by virtue of the greatness of the blood of Sayyed al-Shuhada (AS) Just as prophet Zakariya (AS) did, and by fasting and praying on the first day of Muharram, God gave him the good news of Yahya.

The important point in this order is that: the first of Muharram is for prayer and fasting to seek a pure generation, not for fertilization. Because from a medical point of view, it is strictly forbidden to coagulate sperm in the first, middle, and last lunar months in the traditions.


  1. [1] . Al-Wasail al-Shia, vol. 7, p. 347, hadith 3; Urwatul- wuthgha, vol. 2, p. 243


[2] . Nafas al-Mahmoum, Sheikh Abbas Qomi, 1th Bab, Chapter 2, 1th Hadith.


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