Contradiction in the logic of Quranic verses in the phenomenon of the birth of Jesus Christ - 5

13:49 - 2024/04/24

If the logic of the Qur'an is; in order to have a child, the existence of a spouse is necessary, then how is the birth of Jesus without a father acceptable?

 Jesus Christ

The miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ

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However, it should be noted that when we talk about the "abnormality" of such a birth, we do not mean that the Almighty God has committed an impossible act. Or there is an unknown system and means that has ruled the world by itself, which God has violated. In discussions related to God's knowledge and God's attributes, it is said that God's will does not belong only to things that are inherently impossible or require impossible things, but there may also be things that inherently and intellectually require the emergence of any impossible thing. But because it is very difficult for us to imagine their emergence, we, the humans cannot imagine them with our limited calculations and scales. Such things, if there is an expedient for their creation, the divine will flows over their creation and God creates them.[1]

One of the things that we cannot imagine is the issue of "virgin birth" or the birth of a being of only one gender. This is despite the fact that scientific research has proven that fertility and reproduction is possible without fertilization of a male cell with a female cell. Insemination is not scientifically impossible. There is no doubt that some unknown factors had an effect on the sex cell of Mary (peace be upon her) which, like other stimuli in all virginities, caused the growth of her sex cell. This is due to the fact that the system of the natural world is God's creation and subject to His command. Whenever He wants, He can change this system and create creatures through unusual means and factors. But aside from this introduction, it should be said that... [2]

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[1] Teaching of Beliefs, Mesbah Yazdi, p. 78

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