Imam Ali's advice when you lose your wealth

09:11 - 2022/08/14
Imam Ali's advice when you lose your wealth

Imam Ali's advice when you lose your wealth

Amir al-Momineen Ali (peace be upon him) says:

if you lost your wealth and it gives you an admonition, in reality, you have not lost.

Imam Ali's advice when you loss your wealth

when A person who uses his wealth in a commercial matter and apparently loses; But learns the way and customs of business through it, has he lost?

Or when the one who leaves wealth to a friend to test him and then the wealth is lost and he is protected from many dangers in the future, as he suffered a loss?

Has a person who leaves money in someone's possession without obtaining a document and the debtor denies it, and the result is that in the future he always entrusts his property to others with solid documents, as he suffered a loss?

Are there people who, for example, spend a lot of money for years to find a cure for a dangerous disease like cancer and do not get anywhere?

But they finally, manage to discover it, have they done harm.

This statement in saying of Imam Ali (AS) is not exclusive to the wealth. The loss of other blessings that cause people to admontite  is not actually considered a loss.


Nahjul-Balaghah. saying 196

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