The simple living of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S)

17:31 - 2022/12/25


The simple living of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S)

The simple living of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S)

Simple living and avoiding luxury is one of the prominent features of Hazrat Fatima Zahra's (S) life. A small dowry, a small marriage portion, being satisfied with a little food and a small living, using the minimum means for life, etc. are the obvious characteristics of Fatimah Zahra (S).

Shia and Sunni have narrated that Amir al-Momenan, Fatima Zahra, Imam Hasan, Imam Hussein (AS), and their servant "Fedha" fasted for three days according to their vows.

On the first night, when breaking the fast, a poor man knocked, and Hazrat Ali (AS) gave him his Iftar. Others followed her example and gave their Iftar to the poor and broke their fast with water.

On the second night, an orphan knocked on the door and they gave it to the orphan their Iftar.

On the third night, a captive came and asked for something, this time also they gave the captive their Iftar. Then the Surah "Insan" was revealed by Almighty God.[1]

And in one verse, refers to the sacrifice and generosity of those nobles.[2]

For the sake of God, they feed the needy, the orphan, and the prisoner.[3]

simple living


[1] - Amali Sadouq, pp. 216 and 212

[2] - Manaqib Shahr Ashob, vol. 3, pp. 147 and 148,

[3] - Surah Insan:8

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