"Islamic unity" in the thought of Ayatollah Khamenei

13:33 - 2023/10/12

-In the opinion of the Supreme Leader of the Muslim Union and their avoidance of differences and divisions, it is considered a favorable ground for "collective resistance against the oppression of the domination system" and "defense of the lost interests and rights of the Islamic world

"Islamic unity"

"Islamic unity" in the thought of Ayatollah Khamenei

unity or "Islamic unity" and unity between Muslims is one of the main and fundamental issues in the political and cultural thought of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. The importance of this issue with Ayatollah Khamenei the extent that he introduced Islamic unity as a "strategic issue" and not a tactical one, and he always called scholars, intellectuals, political leaders, and members of the Islamic Ummah to unity under the instructions and teachings of the Holy Quran and devotion and They have invited love to the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

In the opinion of the Supreme Leader of the Muslim Union and their avoidance of differences and divisions, it is considered a favorable ground for "collective resistance against the oppression of the domination system" and "defense of the lost interests and rights of the Islamic world".

Therefore, in this article, Islamic unity and some of its features are discussed  from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei:

 The meaning, importance and necessity of Islamic unity

* Unity means "collective" clinging to God's will

The Qur'an says: "And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited[1] (Surah 3, verse 103)". Abiding by Allah is a duty for every Muslim; But the Qur'an is not limited to commanding us to fast for the sake of Allah, but it tells us to perform the fast for the sake of Allah in the assembly. "Total, جمیعاً"; together. And this community and this unity is another obligation. Therefore, in addition to the fact that a Muslim must fast for the sake of Allah, he must perform this fast together with other Muslims and in cooperation with them. Let us recognize this sit-in properly and carry it out. The honorable verse of the Qur'an says: " So one who disavows fake deities and has faith in Allah has held fast to the firmest handle for which there is no breaking" This means holding on to God's rope. How is it to hold on to God's rope? With faith in God and disbelief in Taghut. Today, the biggest tyrant in the world is the regime of the United States of America.[2]

The unity of Muslims does not mean giving up certain beliefs

What we mean by Islamic unity is not the unification of Islamic beliefs and religions. The field of confrontation between religions and Islamic beliefs, theological beliefs and jurisprudential beliefs - each sect has and will have its own beliefs - is a scientific field; The field of jurisprudence is discussion; The field of discussion is theological and the difference of religious and theological opinions can have no effect in the field of the reality of life and in the field of politics. What we mean by the unity of the Islamic world is the absence of conflict: " and dispute not one with another" (Surah 8, verse 46)[3]. No conflict, no difference.[4]

Unity means standing together against a common enemy

Today, the geographical region of Muslims is the most important region in the world. Their countries are naturally among the richest countries in the world. Today, the gate of Asia to Europe, the gate of Europe to Asia and Africa, Africa to Europe and Asia, belongs to Muslims. This region of Souq Al-Jishi and the blessed lands that are at the disposal of Muslims, today carry and contain facilities such as oil and gas and the like that mankind needs on a daily basis for its civilization. One billion and several hundred million people are Muslims; That means more than a fifth of the world's people. All this population, in such an area; With the flag of Islam raised in the heart of this region - that is, in Islamic Iran, which is the heart and center of the Islamic world today - why should this not be used? This is a great opportunity for Muslims.

The time has come for the Islamic world to come to its senses and choose Islam as the straight path of God and the way of salvation and walk firmly in it. The time has come for the Islamic world to preserve its unity and stand united against the common enemy that all Islamic groups have seen the damage of - that is, arrogance and Zionism - give one slogan, promote one, and follow one path. walk God willing, it will be approved by God and supported by divine laws and traditions

Muslim unity; Strategic issue

The purpose of this work is to with the slogan of Muslim unity, which is a correct and necessary slogan, I have had and still have this belief and thinking since long ago, and I consider it a strategic issue - not a tactical or expedient issue. With this correct motive, we have made the issue of Muslim unity a fundamental issue in the Islamic Republic. Imam Khomeini said many times, the various organs of the Islamic Republic also planned and designed, and made efforts based on this, and we also gave a speech.

In the opinion of the Supreme Leader of the Muslim Union and their avoidance of differences and divisions, it is considered a favorable ground for "collective resistance against the oppression of the domination system" and "defense of the lost interests and rights of the Islamic world

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