
"Islamic unity" in the thought of Ayatollah Khamenei

"Islamic unity"
13:33 - 2023/10/12

-In the opinion of the Supreme Leader of the Muslim Union and their avoidance of differences and divisions, it is considered a favorable ground for "collective resistance against the oppression of the domination system" and "defense of the lost interests and rights of the Islamic world

Unity, the dignity of Islam and Ummah

Unity, the dignity of Islam and Ummah
10:09 - 2023/09/26

Unity is one of the central topics in Islam, which the Holy Quran and Imams of Ahl Al-Bayt (a.s) have emphasized a lot. The Qur'an considers unity as the basis of monotheism, and after ordering Muslims to unite, it warns of the consequences of devision, which is humiliation and defeat. Unity is one of the obligations in the Islamic society. Whenever there is a conflict or war between two groups of the Islamic Ummah, it is obligatory on the rest of the Islamic society to create peace between them.

On the occasion of Islamic Unity Week

On the occasion of Islamic Unity Week
17:35 - 2023/09/25

Unity is the basic factor of dignity of Muslims. on the other hand, dispersion will be the cause of weakness and humiliation of Muslims

Two important factors in Hajj based on the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei

Two important factors in Hajj based on the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei
13:38 - 2023/06/11

Unity and spirituality are the two basic foundations of Hajj. Hajj is a combination of two political and spiritual elements, actually, Islam is a glorious and majestic mixture of politics and spirituality.

Ahlul-Bayt & Unity Of Ummah

Ahlul-Bayt & Unity Of Ummah 12:58 - 2019/11/12

 قالت فاطمه سلام الله علیها: وَ طاعَتَنا نِظاماً لِلْمِلَّةِ، وَ اِمامَتَنا اَماناً لِلْف

Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini & Unity 20:30 - 2019/11/08

Furthermore, globally, Muslims are able to forget their differences as they acknowledge the commo

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1.Unity

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1.Unity
13:52 - 2016/05/01

The image of God as presented in the Qur’an is one that speaks of Him in personal terms. God has a personal relationship with every individual. In what follows, we will try to present a detailed account of the attributes of God as portrayed in the Qur’an.

Unity Is Our Choice

Unity Is Our Choice 12:27 - 2016/01/16

They are lying when they say that they are opposed to Shia and that they advocate Sunni.

Saudi Terrorism

Saudi Terrorism 10:41 - 2016/01/14
Promote Unity

unity 13:19 - 2015/12/28
The Martyrdom of Ayatollah Dr. Mohammad Mofatteh

16:34 - 2015/12/20


Mohammad Mofatteh was born in 1307 Shamsi (1928) in a clergy family in Hamedan [i]. Hojat-ol-Islam Haj Mahmoud Mofatteh, one of the proper preachers and a lover of Islam's prophet & Imams was his father. Elder Mofatteh was professional in Farsi & Arabic Literature, as well as a poet engaging Farsi & Arabic eulogy & elegy for the Holy family of Islam religion. He had taught English & Arabic in the seminary of Hamedan. From his early years, Dr. Mofatteh was learning literature from his father and after finishing primary school, entered (Akhound Molla Ali) school to learn Islamic education. Using the knowledge of the great professors, sometimes later he immigrated to Qom seminary. In the Dar- ol- Shafa School he did his best to obtain religious science education, he was a student of the cognoscenti like: Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Hojat Kouh Kamari, Ayatollah Boroujerdi, Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Mohaghegh (Damad), Allameh Tabatabai the owner of Almizan & Imam Khomeini so he became a great instructor in the seminary.

Internal and external obstacles to Muslim unity

13:39 - 2015/08/15


Muslims must move towards unity. This ideological bias is an internal obstacle to unity. One external obstacle to unity is the efforts on the part of the enemies of Islam to foment discord. We must be totally vigilant against such efforts. These efforts are not a recent issue. They came into being the day the dominant political powers in the world realized that they could influence other nations.
