The Meaning of "Ghaflat" and "Taghaful"in Hadiths

18:12 - 2023/11/12

- In the traditions of Islam, both the word "Ghaflat" (Negligence) and the word "taghaful" (to ignore) are used, each of which has a different meaning. so it is necessary not being confused when facing these two words in Hadiths. "Ghaflat" is an unpleasant thing that is forbidden in the Qur'an and hadiths, but "taghaful" is a good thing that is recommended and emphasized in the hadiths. In this short article, we will briefly explain the difference between these two words.

The Meaning of "Ghaflat" and "Taghaful"in Hadiths

The Meaning of "Ghaflat" and "Taghaful"in Hadiths

The meaning of "Ghaflat"[1] in Islamic culture:

In Islamic terminology and Quranic culture, "Ghaflat" (negligence) means inadvertence that occurs due to a lack of care and vigilance. In the Qur'anic culture, "Gha'fel" (Negligant) means those who have neglected the purpose of creation and its philosophy, and have not paid attention to it. They are busy with the world and do not pay attention to God and the path of guidance. Also, those who do not care about the outcome of their work in the hereafter.

The meaning of "Taghaful"[2] in the hadith:

In the Qur'anic verses, the word “Ghaflat” (negligence) is used, but the word "Taghful" (Ignoring the foults of others) is not used. However, in the Hadiths, the word "Taghaful" is used to refer to forgiveness towards the behavior of others. “Ghaflat” means conscious neglect. Ignoring means intentionally ignoring and disregarding another's behavior. It means that a person knows something and is aware of it; But he shows himself to be oblivious and uninformed in such a way that the other party thinks that he is unaware of the issue and does not pay attention to it.

From the hadiths, it is found that "Taghful" is an example of meekness and tolerance, which is itself a superior virtue in the field of social ethics. Every human being needs to tame himself to moral virtue. Modesty and tolerance, which is itself a sign of human reason, manifests itself in social practice in various forms. Therefore, Imam Ali (a.s) considers the best manifestation of humbleness, pretending ignorance and says: “There is no tolerance like ignoring the foults of others, and there is no wisdom like pretending to be ignorant”.[3]

Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (AS) also says in this regard that “half of a wise person is tolerance and the other half is ignoring the foults of others”[4]. Therefore, in order to solve our own problems and those of others, it is necessary to ignore them. Ali (a.s) says that “whoever not ignore the foults of others, his life will be miserable”.[5]


In Islamic culture, there is a big difference between the words “Ghaf'lat” (Negligence) and "Taghaful" (to ignore the foults of others). the first one is reprehensible and the second one is praiseworthy. The first one is the opposite of moral value, but the second is considered a moral value. Therefore, they should not be confused with each other.

“Taghaful” will  only have an educational, corrective and reformative role, when it is done in its place and correctly with the intention of correction and reform. It is in this case that you can help to reform the society and the social behavior of others by ignoring it.


[1] غفلة (Negligence)

[2] تغافل (Ignoring the foults of others)

[3] Mizan al-Hekmah, V. 9, P. 4374, H.No: 15224 لاحلم کالتغافل، لا عقل کالتجاهل

[4] Ghorar al-Hekam, P. 117 العاقل نصفه الاحتمال و نصفه تغافل

[5] Mizan al-Hekmah, V.9, P. 15220 من لم یتغافل و لایغض عن کثیر من‌الامور تنصف عیشته

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