A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Hajj Rites

11:53 - 2015/11/12

It is a brief introduction to the philosophy of hajj rites dealing also with some of the doubts which might be casted on the importance of hajj by some of the people or writers.

A brief introduction to the philosophy of hajj

Due to the hajj stampede (2015) in which hundreds of the pilgrims lost their lives and thousands of them were injured some of the people may ask that why we should continue performing hajj and spending huge amount of money every year while no one take care of our lives. It was not the first time that many pilgrims were killed in mecca due to the mismanagement of hajj procedure; for example, in 1990 about 1,426 people were killed in a stampede inside a pedestrian tunnel leading out of Mecca towards Mina. [1] Since 1990 thousands of the pilgrims have been killed or died due to the different kind of causes. [2]  

Despite the fact that there might occur some unfortunate or even tragic incidents during the hajj performance, Muslims perform hajj as a mandatory religious duty every year and no one stop accomplishing this divine mission. Therefore a question may arise here that what is the main philosophy of hajj and why Muslims perform hajj in spite of the probable dangers. Is it rational and justified to do hajj while we might lose our lives in such likely incidents?

To answer the mentioned questions we must have a look at the importance and philosophy of hajj in Islamic teachings and doctrines. Hajj has different aspects that one can look at it from different perspectives such as religious, political, social, spiritual and educational dimensions. Religiously talking hajj is an obligatory task that based on its own conditions Muslims must perform it. Because hajj is a defying negation of all false gods and refutation of all false parameters of greatness that made by ignorance.

Socially speaking, hajj is the best example of equality and brotherhood amongst Muslims that play a role of foundation stone of unity which systematically annihilates and destroys any kinds of racism, sectarianism, nationalism and regionalism. In fact hajj is the emblem of unity and universality and also the greatest manifestation of unity and Tawheed. Politically, hajj is a grand international assembly and a golden opportunity to protest against the arrogant oppressors of the world. At this sacred place, tyranny must be opposed and the struggle of Muslims against arrogant superpowers must be brought into focus.

Hajj rituals and disciplines purify the soul and teach us "Tawheed" which means to make obvious our hatred for pagan beliefs. The most important lesson that must be taken from hajj rituals is to become united with other fellow believers with feeling of humbleness and without arrogance. Spiritually, Hajj is the spiritual journey of Allah's devotees towards Him through which the pilgrims perfect and purify their souls. That is to say that, hajj rituals is like the stages of servitude which have deep and wonderful influences on the spiritual life of Hajjis.

Conclusively, hajj has different dimensions that based on the mentioned aspects and benefits of it no one can say that we must prevent people from performing hajj rituals due to the some probable incidents that might occur during hajj. Those ignorant hajj oppositions are not aware of the real philosophy of hajj otherwise they would never try to oppose this mandatory religious duty.

[1] https://www.rt.com/news/318182-mecca-hajj-stampede-new-toll/
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incidents_during_the_Hajj 

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