The popularity of Imam Hussain’s lovers to the Holy Prophet

08:04 - 2022/08/13
The popularity of Imam Hussain’s lovers to the Holy Prophet


The popularity of Imam Hussain’s lovers to the Holy Prophet [1]

The Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.S.) said:

O Ali! [The affection of] these two sons, Hassan and Hussain (A.S.), have [has] caused me to forget anyone else’s affection forever. Indeed, my Lord ordered me to love them and those who love them. [2]



[1]. The reference of the title: A chapter on Hussain (A.S), Hussain Eskandari, translator: Mohammad Yaghoobian, p. 20

[2]. Kamil al Ziyarat, chapter 14, p. 50: یا علیّ لَقَد أذهَلَنی هذانِ الغُلامانِ یَعنی الحَسَنَ و الحُسَینَ أن أُحِبَّ بَعدهما أحَداً أبَداً إنَّ رَبّی أمَرَنی أن أُحِبَّهما و أحِبَّ مَن یُحِبُّهما

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