Crying of all creatures on Ashura Evening

09:24 - 2022/08/13
Crying of all creatures on Ashura Evening


Crying of all creatures on Ashura Evening [1]

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

The seven heavens, seven earths, everything within them, everything between them and all beings and creatures on them, Paradise, Hell and everything that our Lord created, that are visible and invisible, all wept over Imam Hussain(A.S.)'s eminence when he was martyred. [2]



[1]. The reference of the title: A chapter on Hussain (A.S), Hussain Eskandari, translator: Mohammad Yaghoobian, p. 84

[2]. Kamil al Ziyarat, chapter 26, Hadith no. 3: إنَّ أباعبدِاللهِ الحُسَینَ بنَ علیٍ لَمَّا مَضی بَکَت عَلَیه السّمواتُ السَّبعُ و ما فیهِنَّ و ما بَینَهنَّ وَ ما یَنقَلِبُ فی الجَنَّةِ وَ النّارِ مِن خَلقِ رَبّنا و ما یُری و ما لایُری

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