
Allahu Akbar

God is great
09:51 - 2016/11/02

The meaning of "Allahu Akbar" is that God is greater than being described.

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 3. Mercifulness and compassion (part 1)

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 3. Mercifulness and compassion (part 1)
18:14 - 2016/05/24

After the unity of God, the mercy and compassion of God seems to be the most important aspect of the Qur’anic image of Him. There are more attributes in this category than any other category and altogether they are by far the most often repeated characteristics of God in the Qur’an. Every chapter of the Qur’an starts with   بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ except Chapter 9.

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 2. Knowledge
17:15 - 2016/05/08

One of the common qualities of God among followers of the Abrahamic faiths is knowledge. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God is thought of as the ‘Omniscient’, indicating that He has all the knowledge. There are hundreds of verses in which the Qur’an talks about different aspects of divine knowledge. The reason for this emphasis lies partly in the great impact that belief in such an idea may have on people’s lives.

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1.Unity

Divine Attributes in the Qur’an: 1.Unity
13:52 - 2016/05/01

The image of God as presented in the Qur’an is one that speaks of Him in personal terms. God has a personal relationship with every individual. In what follows, we will try to present a detailed account of the attributes of God as portrayed in the Qur’an.

Knowledge of Allah

Knowledge of Allah 12:35 - 2016/04/11

No leaf falls without His knowing it, nor is there a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anyt

Worshipping Allah

Worshipping Allah 10:42 - 2016/01/18

Imam Hasan: One who worships Allah, Allah makes everything worship the one.

Allah does not wrong the people...

09:19 - 2015/08/29
Allah is great

08:39 - 2015/08/29

08:20 - 2015/08/29
Allah is ally of those who believe

10:00 - 2015/08/27
He who is the guardian of the Quran

09:36 - 2015/08/27

09:18 - 2015/08/27