Birth of Imam Hasan Askari

Introduction of reliable sites about Imam Hassan Askari

Introduction of reliable sites about Imam Hassan Askari
12:11 - 2023/10/25

-Imam Hasan Asgari was born in Medina on the 10th of Rabuil Akhar 232 Hijri (6.12.846 AD)

Social Relations as Viewed by Imam Hasan al-Askari (A)

Lessons from Imam Hasan al-Askari (A)
10:51 - 2021/11/14

It is a brief look at the moral teachings and conduct of the eleventh infallible Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A) on the occasion of his birthday.  

How did Imam Hassan al-Askari guide a philosopher?

How did Imam Hassan al-Askari guide a philosopher?
10:41 - 2021/11/14

It is a short study of Imam Askari's discussion with a philosopher about the Holy Quran which led to the guidance of the philosopher.  

Sahifa al-Askaryya; a resource of supplicatios

Sahifa al-Askaryya; a resource of supplicatios
13:11 - 2016/01/18

O Allah, Make the justice appear by him, assist him by your support, be helper of his helpers and make his enemies belittle...

Birth of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)

16:19 - 2016/01/17

Born: December 6, 846 AD, Samarra, Iraq
Died: January 27, 874 AD, Samarra, Iraq
Spouse: Narjis
Children: Muhammad al-Mahdi, Sayyid Ali Akbar
Parents: Hâdise, Ali al-Hadi
Grandparents: Muhammad al-Jawad, Lady Sumānah
Uncles: Musa al-Mubarraqa