Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba

Two Important Lessons About Salat From Imam Hassan's Lifestyle

Two Important Teaching About Salat From Imam Hassan's Lifestyle
12:20 - 2021/12/16

In this article, we are going to review two important lessons from the lifestyle of Imam Hasan (as) regarding Salat.


Generous 19:22 - 2019/05/13

Generosity is to begin with providing the gift before it is asked from you and serve food in time

The Rationale behind the Peace Treaty of Imam Hassan (A)

The Rationale behind the Peace Treaty of Imam Hassan (A)
15:34 - 2017/06/11

The reason why Imam Hassan signed the peace treaty with Muawiya was not the legitimacy or superiority of Muawiya over the Iamam (A) as he was neither of them; rather, it was due to the maintaining and spreading the true teachings of Islam by the infallible Imam (A).