knowledge of the Imams

The Prophets' Knowledge of the Unseen

The Prophets and Their Access to the Knowledge of the Unseen
11:07 - 2017/10/22

According to the Islamic and Quranic teachings, the Prophets and infallible Imams (A) have access to the knowledge of unseen and it is possible for the Prophets and their infallible successors to acquire such a knowledge.

Do the Infallible Imams (as) have knowledge of the unseen?

Can the Infallible Imams (A) have the knowledge of unseen?
12:16 - 2017/05/04

Not only is it rationally possible for the Imams (as) to have knowledge of the unseen, the holy Qur'an also states that God, the Almighty, has granted some of his prophets such knowledge. Being successors of the Prophet (sawa), the Imams (as) were also entrusted with such knowledge so that they would succeed in guiding people to the right path.