
The importance of God's house

The importance of God's house
12:46 - 2023/06/12

In the east and west of the world, there are many historical and sacred places and monuments that have special characteristics due to their antiquity and greatness.

The importance and place of Hajj

The importance and place of Hajj
09:47 - 2023/06/12

"Hajj" is one of the biggest and most valuable educational and social lessons for human beings, which has an undeniable and effective role in educating an individual and the Islamic society.

Two important factors in Hajj based on the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei

Two important factors in Hajj based on the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei
13:38 - 2023/06/11

Unity and spirituality are the two basic foundations of Hajj. Hajj is a combination of two political and spiritual elements, actually, Islam is a glorious and majestic mixture of politics and spirituality.

Imam Khamenei's message to 2022 Hajj

14:52 - 2022/07/09

-The current situation is readier than ever for Muslims to attain elixirs of “unity” & “spirituality

  Jul 8, 2022

To welcome the Pilgrim of Imam Husayn [A]

To welcome Pilgrimages  Imam Husayn the Ziyarat 03:47 - 2018/10/29

On the day of great terror, the angels will welcome one who goes to the Ziyarat of Imam H

To Prevent Hellfire from touching the Pilgrim of Imam Husayn (A)

To Prevent Hellfire mam Husayn Allah Pilgrimages 03:38 - 2018/10/29

Allah will honor one who performs the Ziyarat of Imam Husayn (A) and He will prevent Hell


Pilgrimage 17:27 - 2018/08/07

وَ لِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَیْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطاعَ إِلَیْهِ سَبِیلًا؛ آل عمران:97

Merits of Imam Husain (A) as per Zyarat of Arbae'en

The excellences of Imam Husain as per Zyarat of Arbae'en
11:05 - 2015/12/01

This article is going to introduce Imam Husain (A)'s personality in accordance with the sayings of the sixth infallible Imam al-Sadiq (A) as it is stated by him in the well-known ziyarat of Arbae'en.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi's advice regarding processions of Arbaeen

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi's advice regarding processions of Arbaeen
12:41 - 2015/11/26

In a statement released by the office of Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi, his eminence said: “The ceremony of Arba’in is a valuable treasure for us, for it has protected the grandeur of Islam and that of the Shi’ite school of thought. Therefore, it must be appreciated as magnificent as possible.

Arbaeen pilgrimage is the largest gathering held annually

Arbaeen pilgrimage is the largest gathering held annually
11:34 - 2015/11/26

What is interesting about this human crowd is that all society segments take part in it. Despite its religious character, nonreligious people also participate in it, in addition to illiterates and holders of high academic degrees, and ordinary people and leaders of the country.