Selection of Ahadith

Moral Values as Viewed by the Prophet Mohammad (P)

Moral values as viewed by the Prophet Mohammad (P)
13:06 - 2017/11/14

It is a short study of the prophetic traditions concerning ethics and moral values.

Definition of a Youth

The Definition of a Youth
00:27 - 2015/08/12

قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السّلام: لسليمان بن جعفر الـهذلي - : يا سليمان من الفتى؟ قال: قلت: جعلت فداك الفتى عندنا الشابّ, قال (عليه السّلام) لي: أما علمت أن أصحاب الكهف كانوا كلهم كهولا فسماهم اللّه فتية بإيـمانـهم؟! يا سليمان من آمن باللّه وأتّقى فهو الفتى.

Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (a.s.) said the following to Sulayman ibn Jaʿfar Al-Hadhali: “O’ Sulayman, what is meant by a young person [Al-Fata]?”  He said, “May I be sacrificed for your sake.  In our opinion, a young person [Al-Fata] is a youth [Al-Shabb].”  The Imam said to me, “However you should know that surely the Companions of the Cave [Ashabul Kahf] were all old people, however Allah refers to them as youth who have true faith?!  O’ Sulayman, the one who believes in Allah and has consciousness of Him is a young person.”

Greatness of A Young Person Who Worships Allah

 Young Person Who Worships [Allah]
00:15 - 2015/08/12

 قال رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: إنّ اللّه تعالى يباهي بالشابّ العابد الـملائكة، يقول: أنظروا إلى عبدي! ترك شهوته من أجلي.

The Messenger of Allah (S) has said: “Surely Allah, The High, boasts to the Angels in regards to the young person who is a servant (of His) and He says, ‘Look towards my servant!  He has refrained from following his lowly desires for My sake alone.’”

Young Person and Refraining From Seeking Knowledge

Selection of Ahadith: The Young Person and Refraining From Seeking Knowledge
23:58 - 2015/08/11

قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السّلام: لستُ أُحب أن أرى الشاب منكم إلاّ غاديا في حالين: إمّا عالـما أو متعلما. فإن لـم يفعل فرّط، فإنّ فرّط ضيّع, فإنّ ضيّع أثـم، وإنْ أثـم سكن النار والّذي بعث محمّدا بالحق.

  Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said: “I do not like to see the youth from amongst yourselves except that he/she is passing the life in one of two states: either as a scholar or as a student.  So then if he is not in one of these two states then he is one who has wasted (something) and surely the one who wastes is one who has squandered something and surely the act of squandering is a sin and the person who commits a sin shall reside in the Hell Fire – I swear by the one who appointed Muhammad with The Truth.”