Moral Values as Viewed by the Prophet Mohammad (P)

13:06 - 2017/11/14

It is a short study of the prophetic traditions concerning ethics and moral values.

Moral values as viewed by the Prophet Mohammad (P)

Islam is a religion of morality, and the prophet of Islam gives such importance to the moral values and ethics that in one of his hadiths he says "I have been designated as a prophet to perfect moral standards." [1] In this tradition of the prophet Mohammad (P), morality is introduced as the main purpose of Islam according to which his divine mission must be accomplished. From this saying of the Prophet (P) it can be deduced that moral principles are the most essential and fundamental principles of Islam as well.    

But, here, some questions may arise that Islam also emphasizes too much on the act of worship; so, what is the relationship between the worship of God (J) and the Islamic ethics. Fortunately, there is a close relation between worship and morality which is explained in the prophetic narrations. For instance, the prophet (P) says "Verily, a servant can gain the rank of one who both fasts during the day and keeps vigil at night, keeping up prayers, through his amiability." [2] The prophet also says

"The things through which my Ummah (nation) can enjoy Heaven most of all are piety and good temper." [3]

According to the mentioned narrations from the prophet (P) the one who behaves others with good temper, and observes the moral principles, he is like the one who worships God, the Almighty, and he will inter the paradise. It can be understood from the narrations that without observing the moral values, the worship, itself, also might be of no use. Because, morality is the main principle of Islam, as the prophet (P) said morality is the main purpose of his divine mission.

The one who observes moral principles, he behaves respectfully with others, not only respects others, but also helps others without expecting any rewards. This is the important point, with regard to the moral acts, which is also mentioned in the prophetic sayings. The prophet (P) says "Expecting praise from people makes the eye blind and the ear deaf." [4] He also says: "Tolerance towards people secures half of one’s faith, and showing leniency towards them is half of one’s life." [5] In another hadith the prophet (P) says "If you were among a group of people who are back-biting someone, you should help the backbitten person, prevent them from backbiting him, and leave them." [6]

Finally, it should be noted that Islamic ethics and morality is the main principle of Islam that is why, Muslims must observe the moral rules otherwise they cannot be considered as Muslim and followers of the prophet Mohammad (P). Based on these sorts of narrations and traditions of the Prophet (P) terroristic attack has nothing to do with Islam, especially, with Islamic morality and ethics; because, terror and terrorism is totally opposed to the ethics and moral principles.          

[1] Mizan al-Hikma, v1, p 804. رسول الله (ص):  إنّما بُعِثْتُ لِأتَمِّمَ مَکارِمَ الأَخْلاقِ.
[2] Behar al-Anwar, v71, p373. رسول الله (ص):   إنَّ العَبْدَ لَیُدْرِکُ بِحُسْنِ خُلْقِهِ دَرَجَةَ الصَّائِمِ القَائِمِ.
[3] Kafi, v2, p100.  رسول الله (ص):   أکثَرُ مَا تَلِجُ بِهِ أُمَّتِی الْجَنَّةَ تَقْوَی اللهِ وَحُسْنُ الْخُلقِ.   
[4] Nahj al-Fasaha, p283, hadith number 1341.رسول الله (ٌص):  حُبُّ الثَّناءِ مِنَ النّاسِ یُعمِی وَ یُصِمّ
[5] Kafi, v2, p117.رسول الله (ص):   .مُداراةُ النّاسِ نِصْفُ الإیمانِ، وَ الرِّفقُ بِهِْم نِصْفُ العَیْشِ
[6] Kanz al-Ummal, v3, p586. رسول الله (ص): إذا وُقِعَ فی الرَّجُلِ وَأنْتَ فی مَلَأٍ فَکُنْ لِلرَّجُلِ. ناصِراً وَلِلْقَوْمِ زاجِراً وَقُمْ عَنْهُم

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