The Everlasting Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as)

11:18 - 2021/08/24

Lady Zainab (as) to Imam Sajjad (as),

The heads of paganism and followers of deviation will make attempts to destroy this grave, but their attempts will make it even more prominent and more popular.

The Everlasting Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (as)

It is reported that Imam Sajjad (as) said, "When occurred to us what occurred in Karbala and my father and those who were with him including his children, brethren and his other relatives were killed, and his family and women were mounted on camels and we were to be taken to Kufa, I looked at their bodies left unburied. This scene was very painful to me and made me so distressed that my soul was about to depart my body.

My aunt Zainab (as) noticed what was happening to me. She said to me, 'O the remnant of my grandfather, father and brothers! Why do I see you look like you want to die?'

I said, 'How can I not be distressed while I see my master, bothers, uncles, cousins and my relatives covered in their blood, left on the ground, robbed of their clothes, not being shrouded or buried, no one attending to them or going near them as if they are not Muslims.'

My aunt said, 'Do not let what you see make you lose your patience. By God this is covenant the Messenger of God made with your grandfather, father, and uncle. God has made a covenant with a group of this Ummah whom the tyrants of this Ummah do not know. They are famous among the residents of the heavens. They will gather these dismembered bodies and bury them. They will put a sign in this land for the grave of your father, leader of the martyrs, which will never perish and will never be forgotten by passing of days and nights. The heads of paganism and followers of deviation will make attempts to destroy it, but their attempts will make it even more prominent and more popular.'"

Source: Kamil al-Ziarat, p. 445.

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