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زبانهای خارجه 2

From this author

21 Jul، 2022    0
Imam Hussein in the viewpoint of Chris Hewer. p1 Chris Hewer is a Christian teacher. Chris spent most of his life in religious and theological studies. He studied Christianity and Islam and now spends most of his...
20 Jul، 2022    0
Imam Hussain in the viewpoint of Chris Hewer part 2 Chris Hewer is a Christian teacher. He spent most of his life in religious and theological studies. He studied Christianity and Islam and now spends most of...
17 Jul، 2022    0
Top 8 Quranic Verses & Sunni Sources about Imam Ali (AS)
16 Jul، 2022    0
Ali(AS) and his virtues Ali(AS) as an infallible Imam has so many virtues. Importance of knowing Imam Ali(AS) appears in the words of the Prophet (PBUH).  According to the many narrations...
14 Jul، 2022    0
Ali (AS) and his virtue’s part 1 Ali (AS) as an infallible Imam has so many virtues. Importance of knowing Imam Ali (AS) appears in the words of the Prophet (PBUH).  According to the many...
13 Jul، 2022    0
Science and Knowledge or wealth and property? Science and knowledge are better than wealth. It may be anyone who thinks about this repeated question of whether science and knowledge are better or wealth? In...
12 Jul، 2022    0
Importance of Ghadir in the words of infallible Imams As importance of Ghadir, there are many words from Islamic scholars in which they narrated great quotes from infallible Imams. in this article, I am...
11 Jul، 2022    0
Recommended tradition in Ghadir The recommended tradition in Islam are so varidity. One of the good recommended traditions on this Eidul-Akbar, which has been narrated and which is unfortunately neglected...
09 Jul، 2022    0
the meaning of "Maula" "Maula" means supervisor, leader and guardian During the farewell Hajj on the day of “Ghadir Khum”, the Prophet (PBUH) gave a detailed sermon about Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) and introduced...
05 Jul، 2022    0
Choosing Imam Ali (AS) as Muslims' first guardian  When the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away, the first question is: who was chosen as a Muslims' first guardian? this is one of the most important...


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