Attributes of the waiter of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the words of Imam Baqir (AS)

Create: 06/25/2023 - 22:36
دریافت ویدئو

Attributes of the waiter of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the words of Imam Baqir (AS)

In a hopeful and uplifting speech, Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) gives good news to those who are waiting for the truth.

imam Bagher said: 
       “There will come a time for the people when their Imam will disappear from their sight. Blessed are those who remain firm and steadfast in the affairs of our Ahl al-Bayt at that time! The least reward that reaches them is that the Almighty God addresses them and says: My servants! You believed in my hidden evidence (Imam Mahdi) and acknowledged my unseen.”

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