A Summary of Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults (9)

12:10 - 2023/11/30

- Ahkam: It is a set of rules and guidelines that a Muslim must act within. Like the branches of religion (prayer, fasting, zakat, khums, hajj, jihad, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, Tawalli, Tabarri).

Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults  (Lesson “9”)



 A person whose semen has come out of his body is called “Junub” or “muhtalim”. he must perform “ghusl” (obligatory bath) of “janabat” before praying.

It is Mustahab that a person should urinate after the seminal discharge. If he did not urinate and an emission was seen after  Ghusl, which could not been determined as semen or something else,  it would be  treated as semen.[1]

Be careful, the fluids that come out of an adult person, apart from urine and semen, are: Mazi, Vadi, and Wazi.


 The fluid that comes out of a person due to the stimulation of low lust is called Mazi and it is pure (Taher). fluid secretion is slightly sticky, which usually comes out after sexual stimulation. such as seeing a sexual scene, or thinking about it, or looking at. and talking to the opposite sex. Usually, it comes out before semen comes out. it is pure and does not require ghusl and does not invalidate ablution.


 It is fluid that sometimes comes out of a person after the ejaculation of semen. If it is not  Najes (impure) due to contact with semen, it is pure and does not need to be washed.


 It is fluid that sometimes comes out after urinating and looks like semen. But it does not have the status of semen. There are no signs of ejaculation. If the urine has not reached it, it is pure. 


Men after urinating, if they do what is called stebra, if after that a moisture comes out of the urethra, which they don't know if it is urine or something else, then that moisture will be treated as Tahir (purity). It is not necessary to investigate.

 Stebra is not obligatory, of course, if he does not perform stebra and suspicious moisture comes out after urinating, it is considered as urine. [2]

[1] Ayatullah Sistani Treatise Issue No: 354

[2] This Text is provided form the Treatise and Fatwas of Ayatullah Khamenaie:



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