Basij of the “Mostazd’afs”, a movement for the honor and authority of Islam (2)

12:10 - 2023/11/25

- The “Mostazd’af” (deemed weak) is one of the religious concepts and values that has its roots in the Qur'an, which ultimately introduced them as the inheritors of the earth. The Holy Prophet of Islam also implemented plans to mobilize the “Mostazd’afs” so that this goal of God would be realized. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini revived the Basij organization to continue this holy movement, so that the “Mostazd’afs” of the world can return to the path of dignity and authority so that the ultimate goal of the Quran will be realized.

Basij of the “Mostazd’af”

Click to (Part one)

Characteristics of Basij from Imam Khamenei's point of view:

“A spiritual foundation is necessary for resistance. What I rely on. and I insist, is this: If you want to resist, you must have a foundation. The spiritual foundation is more important than the material and military foundation. The military foundation is the same cannons, tanks, missiles, and similar capabilities. The spiritual foundation is a truth in your own existence. in your own heart that affects the nature of your movement. My reliance is on the youth. You can see that I am often fond of young people, and hope for the future. However, who is the youth who can be the driving force of the country's great movement towards the new Islamic civilization? What kind of youth is it? The spiritual foundation makes sense here. A young man who is motivated, has faith. he is wise, appreciates his ability. is hardworking, innovative and trusts in God. he has self-confidence. Exactly the opposite of what the enemy wants about our youth”.[1]

Mobilization of the “Mostazd’af”  from Imam Khomeini's point of view:

Imam Khomeini believes that Basij is not only related to Iran. but wherever there is oppression in the world, Basij should also be there. In addition, the Basijists of the Islamic world should think about creating a great Islamic government. this is possible. Because Basij is not exclusive to Iran. it is necessary to create plans of resistance in the whole world and stand against East and West. Among the other main goals of Imam Khomeini in forming the Basij (mobilization) of the “Mostazd’af”  in the whole world.[2]

Summary and conclusion:

Basij in the word means determination, will, mobilization, and preparation. In Islamic culture, Basiji is said to be one who loves God. and in his way to elevate the word of Islam and the honor of Muslims. they fight against the enemies of God, militarily, politically, and culturally. The Holy Qur'an has introduced the “Mostazd’afs” as the inheritors of the earth. The Holy Qur'an knows the characteristics of Basiji, humbleness, and mobilization in front of believers. and pride in front of unbelievers. Jihad in the way of God and being ready against the enemies of God. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) prepared Muslims in every way to fulfill the goal of the Qur'an and launched practical programs for Muslims. After the leadership of the Islamic community was taken from the infallible imams (AS). the program of mobilizing the “Mostazd’af” was forgotten. until after the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran. Imam Khomeini revived it. This movement continues until the leader of the “Mostazd’af”, the promised Mahdi (PBUH) appears. and the ideal of Islam and the Quran to inherit the “Mostazd’af” all over the world would be realized.


[1] Imam Khamenaie’s speech on 27 - 11 – 2019:



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