Quran and falling Hail from the Heavenly Icebergs - 2

14:37 - 2024/04/07

The Qur'an says in verse 43 of Surah Noor: "God sends down cold from the sky - from the mountains in it"; Are there mountains in the sky? Why haven't space scientists seen it?!

 Quran and Science

Quran and Science

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If we interpret what is mentioned about hail in this verse according to the beginning of the verse, which talks about the formation of rain-producing clouds, such an idea that there is a mountain in the sky in the true sense will never come to mind. Rather, the verse certainly refers to hail clouds and is consistent with the latest scientific findings.

As the contemporary scientists say about the formation of hail in the sky: the raindrops are separated from the cloud and in the upper part of the air it hits the cold front and freezes, but in that case it is very small. Then the strong storms that prevail in that region throw these seeds up again and once again these seeds sink into the clouds and another layer of water sits on it. When separated from the cloud, it freezes again and sometimes this is repeated several times until the hail becomes large enough that the storm can no longer throw it up. Or when the storm calms down temporarily, it takes the path of the earth and moves towards the it without hindrance. Sometimes it is so large and heavy that it causes damage to fields, gardens, animals and even humans.

It is clear from this that the formation of large and heavy hailstones is possible if the cloud mountains are concentrated above it. So that when the strong winds throw the frozen hailstones into it, it absorbs more water. In this way, cloud mountains are considered a significant source for the formation of large hailstones mentioned in the verse. If these mountains are the masses of ice particles, the problem becomes clearer.

Here we read another analysis from some writers whose summary is as follows: [1]

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