The 300-year life of the Sleepers of the Cave in the Quran - 7

15:26 - 2024/04/21

 -  Man cannot live for 300 years in normal condition, so how can we accept the claim of Quran about 300 years life without water and food of the Seven Sleepers?!

The Sleepers of the Cave

The Seven Sleepers

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Freezing the living human body:

 There are many theories and debates about freezing the body of living beings and even the human body - to prolong their life. Today, some of them have been put into practice. According to these theories, it is possible to put the body of a human or an animal in sub-zero cold according to a special method to stop his life without actually dying. After a period of time that is necessary, he is put in a suitable temperature and return to normal. For space travel to distant planets, which may take hundreds or thousands of years, plans have been proposed. One of which is to put the astronaut's body in a special chamber and freeze it. After many years, when approaching return the desired balls to the chamber with an automatic heating system, they will return to normal, without actually wasting a life.

In a specialized scientific article, someone wrote about this issue : Eternal life has always been one of the golden and ancient dreams of man throughout history. But now this dream has become a reality. This is due to the amazing advances of the new science called cryonics. which takes man to the frozen worlds and keeps him like a frozen body in the hope of one day that scientists will bring him back to life again.

From the sum of the above discussions, we conclude that it is possible to stop or slow down life tremendously. Various scientific studies have confirmed its possibility from various aspects. In this case, the body's food consumption gets almost to zero. The small reserve available in the body can be enough for long years. Don't be mistaken, we never want to deny the miraculous aspect of the Seven Sleeper's sleep with these words, but we want to bring it closer to the mind from a scientific point of view. [1]


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