The Translation of Fatima Zahra's (pbuh) sermon to the women of Medina -1

16:20 - 2023/12/07

- It is narrated in the book of Ehtejaj (protest) from Sowaid bin Ghafala: When Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) became sick. when her illness became severe, a group of women from Mohajer (emigrants) and Ansar (inhabitants) gathered to visit her. They greeted her and said:  “O Daughter of God's Messenger! How is your illness and what are you doing about it?

 Fatima Zahra “s”

Fatima Zahra “s”

 Fatima Zahra praised God and sent greetings to her father, and then said:

    "My condition is such that I hate your world so much and I hate your men! I tested their condition and speech." I was very displeased with what they did. I put them aside. Because they break like a rusted blade and are cut in half like a spear. they are the owners of dark and inadequate thoughts.

What a bad reserve they have sent to themselves in advance. They have incurred the wrath of God and are in constant fire and flames. I have put the rope of affairs and duties on their necks. I have left the burden and responsibility of the work to them. I have put the shame of killing justice on their shoulders.

An eternal curse on these scheming people. May they be far from the mercy of the God. Woe to these oppressors! Why didn’t they cause the concentration of the truth in their center? They kept the caliphate away from the foundations of prophethood and the house where Gabriel descended. They took it to another house and removed it from the hands of religious and worldly workers!

be careful! This is a big loss! What made them complain about Ali (peace be upon him)? They said that Ali's fault is that his sword does not know familiar and foreign, brave and coward. They realized that he did not care about death. They saw how he rushes at them and throws them into the valley of annihilation. And he leaves some for punishment and example for others. He was aware of God's book and his anger was in the way of God's pleasure...[1],[2]


[1] Al-Ehtejaj, v.1, P. 108

[2] Bihar, V. 43, P.159

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