Rules of Invalid Ghusl

12:47 - 2015/10/14

Q 193: Someone reaches the age of shar‘ī puberty but does not know that ghusl is obligatory and how to make it; and in this way he passes about ten years before coming to know about taqlīd and that ghusl is obligatory? What is his duty concerning qaḍā’ of his fasts and prayers?

A: It is obligatory for him to do qaḍā’ of the prayers offered in the state of janābah. Also it is obligatory to redo the fasts if he knew that he was junub but did not know that ghusl is obligatory for him for fasting.

Q 194: A youth has been masturbating due to ignorance before reaching fourteen and after. As he did not know that discharging semen makes him junub and he is required to do ghusl for praying and fasting, he did not perform the ghusl after the discharge of semen. What is his duty? Is it obligatory for him to perform the ghusls of this period during which he was masturbating and had seminal discharge? Are all his prayers and fasts made during this period and until now invalid and should he repeat them?

A: A single ghusl of janābah is sufficient for all the past discharges of semen. And it is obligatory for him to make qaḍā’ of all prayers he is certain he offered in the state of janābah. As to the fasts, if he did not know, the nights before, that he was junub, he would not be obliged to make up these fasts and they would be ruled as valid. But if he knew that he had had a discharge of semen and had been junub without knowing that ghusl is necessary for the validity of his fast, it would be obligatory for him to make qaḍā’ of the days he had fasted in the state of janābah.

Q 195: Someone was junub and performed the ghusl, but his ghusl was incorrect and invalid. What is his duty concerning the prayers that he has offered after such a ghusl if he did not know of its invalidity?

A: Prayers performed with an invalid ghusl are invalid and it is obligatory to repeat them or do their qaḍā’.

Q 196: I took a bath with the intention of performing an obligatory ghusl, and after leaving the bathroom I doubted weather I did observe the order of ghusl or not. As I thought the mere intention of sequence is sufficient, I did not repeat the ghusl. Now, I wonder if I should perform the qaḍā’ of all the prayers offered thereafter?

A: If it is possible that the ghusl you performed was valid and while performing it you were attentive to what is required for its validity, you have nothing to do. However, if you are certain that your ghusl was invalid, it is obligatory for you to repeat all the prayers in qaḍā’.
Q 197: I used to do ghusl of janābah in this order: first, the right side of the body, then the head, and thirdly the left side. What is my duty in regard to the prayers I offered and the fasts I kept, taking into consideration that I had dealt with this issue with negligence and did not ask and investigate about it?

A: ghusl performed in the mentioned manner is invalid and does not remove the state of janābah. Accordingly, the prayers performed with such a ghusl are invalid and making their qaḍā’ is obligatory. As for the fasts, they are considered valid as you believed that ghusl in the said manner was valid and you had not remained junub intentionally.

Q 198: Is it ḥarām for the junub person to recite those Qur’anic chapters with obligatory prostration?

A: Among the acts prohibited for a junub person is the recitation of these specific verses that require prostration, but it is no problem for him to recite the other verses of the same chapter.