Rules of the Ghusl of Janābah

12:42 - 2015/10/14

Q 166: In case of shortage of time is it permissible for an individual who is in the condition of janābah to offer prayer with tayammum, while his body and clothes are najis or should he clean himself, perform the ghusl, and offer the missed prayer as qaḍā’?

A: If there is not sufficient time to purify his body and clothes, or to change the clothes, and it is not possible to offer the prayer while naked due to coldness or the like, he should pray with tayammum instead of performing the ghusl of janābah and with these najis clothes. This prayer is valid, satisfies his obligation, and he is not obliged to repeat it later.

Q 167: Sometimes semen enters the womb without penetration. Does it result in janābah for the female?

A: That does not cause janābah.

Q 168: Is it obligatory for women to perform ghusl after a vaginal examination with medical instruments?

A: Ghusl is not obligatory as long as there is no emission of manī.

Q 169: If penetration of only the glans occurs with no ejaculation of semen and the woman has not reached orgasm, is ghusl obligatory for her, him, or both?

A: If penetration occurs, even of the glans only, ghusl will be obligatory for both of them.

Q 170: In respect of women’s nocturnal emission, when does ghusl
become obligatory for them? Is the discharge that comes out at the time of caressing and foreplay considered manī? And is it obligatory for them to perform ghusl despite the fact that they do not have an orgasm or do not feel weakness in the body? In general, when do women become junub without intercourse?

A: When a woman reaches orgasm and a fluid is discharged from her, she becomes junub and ghusl of janābah becomes obligatory for her. But if she doubts whether she reached such a stage or not or whether the discharge came out or not, ghusl would not be obligatory for her.


Q 171: Is reading books or watching films that are sexually arousing permissible?

A: It is impermissible.

Q 172: A woman performed ghusl after intercourse with her husband, but his semen remained in her vagina. Is her ghusl valid if the semen comes out after ghusl? Is the semen that comes out later najis? Does it make her junub again?

A: Her ghusl is correct and if the discharge that comes out from her after ghusl is semen or manī, it is najis. However, if it is her husband’s semen, it would not lead to a new state of janābah.

Q 173: I have been afflicted with doubts in the ghusl of janābah for some time, so much so that I do not have intercourse with my wife. Nevertheless, now and again I find myself in a state that I
think I must perform ghusl of janābah. In fact I take ghusl twice or thrice a day. This doubting has made me helpless. What am I to do?

A: The rule concerning janābah does not apply in case of doubt unless there is a discharge accompanied by the shar‘ī signs of semen discharge, or one is certain of the discharge of semen.

Q 174: Is the ghusl of janābah performed during the menstrual period valid so as to discharge a junub woman of her duty?

A: In the case mentioned, the validity of the ghusl performed is problematic.

Q 175: Is a menstruating woman who becomes junub or a junub woman who starts her monthly period obliged to perform both ghusls after she becomes clean? Or if a janābah state occurs during menstruation, would not ghusl of janābah be obligatory for her due to the fact that she was not clean when janābah occurs?

A: In both cases, ghusl for janābah is obligatory for her in addition to ghusl of menses, but practically it is permissible to perform only ghusl of janābah, although caution lies in making intention to perform both ghusls while doing one ghusl.

Q 176: When is a discharge from a male considered to be semen?

A: When it is accompanied by sexual excitement, weakness of the body and ejaculation, it is subject to the rule of semen.

Q 177: In some cases it is observed that after ghusl there remain traces of soap or chalk around the fingernails and toenails that were not visible in the bathroom; however, after coming out from the bathroom the whiteness of soap becomes visible. Some people do ghusl and wuḍū’ without knowing this rule or paying attention to it. What is one’s duty in such cases, as it is uncertain whether water has reached the skin under the white trace or not?

A: The mere presence of a layer of chalk or soap, that becomes visible after the body dries up, does not harm the validity of wuḍū’ or ghusl, except when it makes an obstacle that prevents water from reaching the skin.

Q 178: Some brother says that it is obligatory to purify the body off najāsah, such as semen and the like, before the ghusl, and if it is purified during the ghusl, ghusl will be invalid. Supposing what he says is right, are the prayers I performed earlier invalid, and is repeating them obligatory, keeping in view that I did not know this matter?

A: It is not obligatory that the whole body be pure before starting the ghusl. Rather it is sufficient to purify each part of the body before its ghusl. Thus, if each part is purified before its ghusl, ghusl and the prayers performed with it are both correct. But if the part is not purified before making its ghusl and one wants to purify it and perform its ghusl with one wash, the ghusl and the prayers performed with such a ghusl are both invalid and it would be obligatory to repeat the prayers as qaḍā’.

Q 179: Is the discharge occurring during sleep considered semen if it is not accompanied with the three signs (ejaculation, sexual excitement, and weakness of the body) and it is not noticed except after awakening and observing wetness on one’s underclothing?

A: If all the three signs of discharging semen or one of them does not exist or you are doubtful about it, the discharged moisture is not ruled as semen unless you are certain in one way or another that it is semen.

Q 180: I am young and live in a poor family. I have very frequent emissions of semen and I am ashamed to ask my father to give me the money for the bathhouse expenses, as we do not have a bathroom in our house. Please guide me.

A: There is no reason to be ashamed of carrying out shar‘ī duties, and shame cannot be a legitimate excuse for not carrying out an obligation. In any case, if you are not able to perform ghusl for janābah, your duty is to perform tayammum instead of ghusl for praying and fasting.

Q 181: I am faced with a problem, i.e. even a single drop of water is so harmful for my body that even it should not be wiped. While washing my body, even a part of it, my heartbeat increases along with other symptoms. Is it permissible for me in such a condition to have intercourse with my wife, to do tayammum instead of ghusl for several months, and to pray and enter the masjid with this tayammum?

A: It is not obligatory for you to refrain from intercourse and after becoming junub, if you are excused from performing ghusl of janābah, your shar‘ī duty is to do tayammum instead of ghusl for the acts that require ghusl. And with tayammum, there is no impediment to your entering a masjid, offering prayer, touching the script of the Noble Qur’an and all the other acts that require ghusl.

Q 182: Is it obligatory to face the qiblah during the obligatory or mustaḥabb ghusl?

A: Facing the qiblah during ghusl is not obligatory.

Q 183: Is it valid to perform ghusl with the water already used for ghusl of janābah knowing that ghusl was done with qalīl water and the body was pure before it?

A: In the given case, there is no objection to doing ghusl with this water.

Q 184: During ghusl of janābah a wuḍū’ invalidator occurred. Is it obligatory to repeat ghusl or to finish it and to do wuḍū’?

A: It is not obligatory to repeat the ghusl and it does not affect the correctness of the ghusl. Rather, one should complete his ghusl. However, it does not remove the necessity of doing wuḍū’ for prayers and other acts that require wuḍū’.

Q 185: After urination thick discharge resembling semen came out involuntarily and without any sexual excitement. Is it subject to the rule of semen?

A: It is not subject to the rule of semen unless one is certain that it is semen, or it is accompanied with the three shar‘ī signs of semen discharge.

Q 186: When there are several mustaḥabb or obligatory ghusls to be performed, is performing one sufficient for all the rest?

A: If one performs one ghusl with the intention of performing all of them, it is sufficient. However, if one of them is ghusl of janābah and the intention is made to perform it, it suffices for all other ghusls, although caution is to make the intention for all of them.

Q 187: Do the ghusls other than ghusl of janābah relieve one of making wuḍū’?

A: They do not replace wuḍū’.

Q 188: In the janābah ghusl, is it necessary that water flows over the body?

A: The standard is the real meaning of washing the body with the intention of ghusl and the flowing of water over it is not a condition.

Q 189: One knows that if he becomes junub by having intercourse with his wife, he would have no water for the ghusl or there would not be enough time for both ghusl and prayers, is it permissible for him to have intercourse?

A: Although it is not possible for him to make ghusl, there is no objection to having intercourse with his wife if he is able to perform tayammum.
Q 190: Is it sufficient in the ghusl of janābah to observe the order between the head and the other parts of the body, or is the observance of order necessary in washing the two sides as well?

A: It is also necessary to observe the order between the two sides by washing the right side before the left one.

Q 191: When one is going to perform the sequential ghusl, is there any problem if one washes first his back then makes the intention and perform the sequential ghusl thereafter?

A: There is no objection to washing one’s back or any other part of the body before making the intention for ghusl and starting it. The way of doing sequential ghusl is to make the intention for ghusl after making the body pure. Thereafter, one washes his head and neck first, then washes the right half of the body, and, afterwards, the left.
Q 192: Is it obligatory for women to wash all the hair during ghusl? And if water does not reach all the hair in ghusl does it make the ghusl invalid, even if one knows that water has reached the entire scalp?

A: It is an obligatory caution to wash the whole hair.