Aping the Infidels and Spreading Their Culture

12:41 - 2015/12/31

Q1365: Is it permissible to wear clothes which bear foreign pictures and inscriptions? And is it considered a means of spreading Western culture?

A: There is no objection to it in itself unless it leads to social decay. As for judging it as a way of spreading Western culture, which is diametrically opposed to the Islamic one, it should be left to the common sense.

Q1366: What is your view on selling, buying and wearing foreign clothes?

A: There is no objection to importing, selling, buying, and using such clothes merely due to their being imported from non-Islamic countries. But it is not permissible to import, sell, buy, or wear that which would constitute an affront to Islamic decency and morals, or what would be seen as the promotion of Western culture which is the enemy of the Islamic one.

Q1367: What is the ruling in the matter of emulating Western hairstyles?

A: The criterion for its being ḥarām is to simulate the enemies of Islam and promote their culture. This, however, varies according to different countries, times, and persons and it is not specifically connected to the West.

Q1368: Is it permissible for the educators in the schools to shave the heads of the students who come to the school with peculiar hair styles which are alien to the Islamic code of conduct and are manifestations of aping Western crazes? It is to be noted, however, that the students do not heed our advice. Also, during school hours they pretend to observe Islamic norms but they change their behavior when they get out of it. What is our duty in this regard?
A: Shaving the heads of students by the educators and teachers is not advisable. However, if those in charge of the school found that some of the behaviors of the students are not in conformity with Islamic ethics and culture, they are advised to give fatherly counsel and guidance. If this proves unfruitful, they may enlist the help of the students’ parents by informing them about their children’s situation.

Q1369: What is the view on wearing American clothes?

A: In itself, there is no objection to wearing clothes made in imperialistic countries, i.e., that are made by the enemies of Islam, and this does not affect the permissibility of wearing them. However, should this lead to promoting the unIslamic culture of the enemy, strengthening the economies of such nations, which is in turn used in colonizing and exploiting Muslim countries, or prove detrimental to the economies of an Islamic state, it is problematic. Rather, it is not permissible in some cases.
Q1370. What is the view on wearing a necktie?

A: Generally speaking, it is not permissible to wear a tie, or other kinds of clothes that are considered as the attire of non-Muslims, in such a way that their wearing will promote vile Western culture.
Q1371: What is the ruling in the matter of selling pictures, books, and magazines that although not explicitly containing obscene material, yet aim implicitly to create an unsavory and unIslamic cultural climate especially among the youth?

A: It is not permissible to sell, buy, and promote such material that aims to lead the youth astray, cause their depravity and create an immoral cultural climate. They should be avoided.

Q1372: What is the duty of women nowadays in combating the cultural invasion of our Islamic society?

A: The most important of women’s duties is observing proper Islamic ḥijāb, promoting it, and keeping away from wearing that which reflects the norms of the enemy’s culture.

Q1373: In common with Christians, some Muslims celebrate Christmas. Is there a problem in that?

A: There is no harm in celebrating the birthday of the Holy Jesus Christ (May peace be upon him and our Prophet and his pure progeny).

Q1374: Is it permissible to wear items of clothing bearing the advertisement of alcoholic drinks?

A: It is not permissible.