Immigration and Political Asylum

12:43 - 2015/12/31

Q1375: What is the view on seeking political asylum in foreign countries? And is it permissible to fabricate a story to achieve that goal?

A: In itself, there is no objection to seeking political asylum in non-Muslim countries provided that it does not lead to bad effects. However, it is not permissible to resort to lying and fabrication to achieve that end.

Q1376: Is it permissible for a Muslim to immigrate to a non-Muslim country?

A: There is no objection to it provided that it does not involve fear of detesting and deviating from one’s own religion. Having preserved his faith and observed caution, it is incumbent on the immigrant, to the best of his ability, to defend Islam and Muslims.

Q1377: Is it obligatory on women who embraced Islam in the land of infidels to immigrate to the Islamic land because they cannot declare their Islam for fear of reprisal by their families and society?

A: They are not required to immigrate to the abode of Islam, should this prove unbearable. However, it is obligatory on them to keep up prayer, fast, and other obligations to the best of their ability.

Q1378: What is the ruling in living in countries in which facilities for sinful acts, like nudity and listening to bad music cassettes are commonly available? What is the duty of thoseindividuals who recently entered the age of ritual maturity there?

A: In itself, their residing and living there is no problem. However, they should avoid those acts considered ḥarām by Islamic  law. If they fail to do that, immigration to Islamic countries for them becomes obligatory.